import { expect, tap } from ''; import * as typedserver from ''; import * as typedrequest from '../ts/index.js'; let testServer: typedserver.servertools.Server; let testTypedRouter: typedrequest.TypedRouter; let testTypedHandler: typedrequest.TypedHandler; // lets define an interface interface ITestReqRes { method: 'hi'; request: { name: string; }; response: { surname: string; }; } interface ITestStream { method: 'handleStream'; request: { requestStream: any; }; response: { responseStream: any; }; } tap.test('should create a typedHandler', async () => { // lets use the interface in a TypedHandler testTypedHandler = new typedrequest.TypedHandler('hi', async (reqArg) => { return { surname: 'wow', }; }); }); tap.test('should spawn a server to test with', async () => { testServer = new typedserver.servertools.Server({ cors: true, forceSsl: false, port: 3000, }); }); tap.test('should define a testHandler', async () => { testTypedRouter = new typedrequest.TypedRouter(); // typed routers can broker typedrequests between handlers testTypedRouter.addTypedHandler(testTypedHandler); testServer.addRoute( '/testroute', new typedserver.servertools.HandlerTypedRouter(testTypedRouter as any) // the "any" is testspecific, since smartexpress ships with its own version of typedrequest. ); }); tap.test('should start the server', async () => { await testServer.start(); }); tap.test('should fire a request', async () => { const typedRequest = new typedrequest.TypedRequest( 'http://localhost:3000/testroute', 'hi' ); const response = await{ name: 'really', }); console.log('this is the response:'); console.log(response); expect(response.surname).toEqual('wow'); }); tap.test('should allow VirtualStreams', async () => { testTypedRouter.addTypedHandler(new typedrequest.TypedHandler('handleStream', async (reqArg) => { console.log('hey there'); console.log(reqArg.requestStream); return { responseStream: new typedrequest.VirtualStream(), }; })); const typedRequest = new typedrequest.TypedRequest( 'http://localhost:3000/testroute', 'handleStream' ); const response = await{ requestStream: new typedrequest.VirtualStream(), }); console.log(response.responseStream); }) tap.test('should end the server', async () => { await testServer.stop(); }); tap.start();