import { Server } from './classes.server.js'; import { Handler } from './classes.handler.js'; import * as plugins from '../typedserver.plugins.js'; import { type IUrlInfo } from ''; export class Sitemap { public smartexpressRef: Server; public smartSitemap = new plugins.smartsitemap.SmartSitemap(); public urls: plugins.smartsitemap.IUrlInfo[] = []; /** * handles the normal sitemap request */ public sitemapHandler = new Handler('GET', async (req, res) => { const sitemapXmlString = await this.smartSitemap.createSitemapFromUrlInfoArray(this.urls); res.type('.xml'); res.write(sitemapXmlString); res.end(); }); /** * handles the sitemap-news request */ public sitemapNewsHandler = new Handler('GET', async (req, res) => { if (!this.smartexpressRef.options.articleGetterFunction) { res.status(500); res.write('no article getter function defined.'); res.end(); return; } const sitemapNewsXml = await this.smartSitemap.createSitemapNewsFromArticleArray( await this.smartexpressRef.options.articleGetterFunction() ); res.type('.xml'); res.write(sitemapNewsXml); res.end(); }); constructor(smartexpressRefArg: Server) { this.smartexpressRef = smartexpressRefArg; this.smartexpressRef.addRouteBefore('/sitemap', this.sitemapHandler); this.smartexpressRef.addRouteBefore('/sitemap-news', this.sitemapNewsHandler); // lets set the default url if (this.smartexpressRef.options.domain) { this.urls.push({ url: `https://${this.smartexpressRef.options.domain}/`, timestamp:, frequency: 'daily', }); } } /** * replaces the current urlsArray * @param urlsArg */ public replaceUrls(urlsArg: IUrlInfo[]) { this.urls = urlsArg; } /** * adds urls to the current set of urls */ public addUrls(urlsArg: IUrlInfo[]) { this.urls = this.urls.concat(this.urls, urlsArg); } }