export interface IMinerStatus { status: string; gap: string; miner_height: string; blockchain_height: string; epoch: 'rpc'; } export interface IMinerDetailsResponse { ota_version: string; region: 'region_eu868'; frequency_plan: 'eu868'; animal: string; pubkey: string; miner: { State: 'running'; Status: string; Names: ['/miner']; Image: string; Created: number; }; p2p_status: string[]; miner_height: string; epoch: string; ports_desc: "only need to port forward 44158. For 22, only when need remote support. public port open/close isn't accurate here, if your listen_addr is IP address, it should be OK"; ports: { [key: string]: string }; private_ip: string; public_ip: string; peerbook: string[]; height: string[]; temp0: string; temp1: string; timestamp: string; errors: string; }