import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import { Qenv } from '@pushrocks/qenv'; const testQenv = new Qenv('./', './.nogit/'); import * as bunq from '../ts'; let testBunqAccount: bunq.BunqAccount; const testBunqOptions: bunq.IBunqConstructorOptions = { apiKey: testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemand('BUNQ_APIKEY'), deviceName: 'mojoiobunqpackage', environment: 'SANDBOX', }; tap.test('should create a valid bunq account', async () => { testBunqAccount = new bunq.BunqAccount(testBunqOptions); expect(testBunqAccount); }); tap.test('should init the client', async () => { await testBunqAccount.init(); }); tap.test('should get accounts', async () => { const accounts = await testBunqAccount.getAccounts(); console.log(accounts); }); tap.test('should get transactions', async () => { const accounts = await testBunqAccount.getAccounts(); for (const account of accounts) { const transactions = await account.getTransactions(); console.log(transactions); } }); tap.test('should stop the instance', async () => { await testBunqAccount.stop(); }); tap.start();