import * as plugins from './docker.plugins'; import * as interfaces from './interfaces'; import { DockerHost } from './'; export class DockerImage { // STATIC public static async getImages(dockerHost: DockerHost) { const images: DockerImage[] = []; const response = await dockerHost.request('GET', '/images/json'); for (const imageObject of response.body) { images.push(new DockerImage(dockerHost, imageObject)); } return images; } public static async findImageByName(dockerHost: DockerHost, imageNameArg: string) { const images = await this.getImages(dockerHost); return images.find(image => { return image.RepoTags.includes(imageNameArg); }); } public static async createFromRegistry( dockerHostArg: DockerHost, creationObject: interfaces.IImageCreationDescriptor ): Promise { // lets create a sanatized imageUrlObject const imageUrlObject: { imageUrl: string; imageTag: string; imageOriginTag: string; } = { imageUrl: creationObject.imageUrl, imageTag: creationObject.imageTag, imageOriginTag: null }; if (imageUrlObject.imageUrl.includes(':')) { const imageUrl = imageUrlObject.imageUrl.split(':')[0]; const imageTag = imageUrlObject.imageUrl.split(':')[1]; if (imageUrlObject.imageTag) { throw new Error( `imageUrl ${imageUrlObject.imageUrl} can't be tagged with ${ imageUrlObject.imageTag } because it is already tagged with ${imageTag}` ); } else { imageUrlObject.imageTag = imageTag; } } else if (!imageUrlObject.imageTag) { imageUrlObject.imageTag = 'latest'; } imageUrlObject.imageOriginTag = `${imageUrlObject.imageUrl}:${imageUrlObject.imageTag}`; // lets actually create the image const response = await dockerHostArg.request( 'POST', `/images/create?fromImage=${encodeURIComponent( imageUrlObject.imageUrl )}&tag=${encodeURIComponent(imageUrlObject.imageTag)}` ); if (response.statusCode < 300) { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log( 'info', `Successfully pulled image ${imageUrlObject.imageUrl} from the registry` ); const image = await DockerImage.findImageByName(dockerHostArg, imageUrlObject.imageOriginTag); return image; } else { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('error', `Failed at the attempt of creating a new image`); } } public static async tagImageByIdOrName( dockerHost: DockerHost, idOrNameArg: string, newTagArg: string ) { const response = await dockerHost.request( 'POST', `/images/${encodeURIComponent(idOrNameArg)}/${encodeURIComponent(newTagArg)}` ); } public static async buildImage(dockerHostArg: DockerHost, dockerImageTag) { // TODO: implement building an image } // INSTANCE // references public dockerHost: DockerHost; // properties /** * the tags for an image */ public Containers: number; public Created: number; public Id: string; public Labels: interfaces.TLabels; public ParentId: string; public RepoDigests: string[]; public RepoTags: string[]; public SharedSize: number; public Size: number; public VirtualSize: number; constructor(dockerHostArg, dockerImageObjectArg: any) { this.dockerHost = dockerHostArg; Object.keys(dockerImageObjectArg).forEach(keyArg => { this[keyArg] = dockerImageObjectArg[keyArg]; }); } /** * returns a boolean wether the image has a upstream image */ public isUpstreamImage(): boolean { // TODO: implement isUpastreamImage return this.RepoTags.length > 0; } public tagImage(newTag) {} /** * pulls the latest version from the registry */ public async pullLatestImageFromRegistry(): Promise { const updatedImage = await DockerImage.createFromRegistry(this.dockerHost, { imageUrl: this.RepoTags[0] }); Object.assign(this, updatedImage); // TODO: Compare image digists before and after return true; } }