import * as plugins from './elasticsearch.plugins.js'; import { ElasticSearch } from './elasticsearch.classes.elasticsearch.js'; import { type ILogPackage } from '@pushrocks/smartlog-interfaces'; import { Stringmap } from '@pushrocks/lik'; export class ElasticIndex { private stringmap = new Stringmap(); private elasticSearchRef: ElasticSearch; constructor(elasticSearchInstanceArg: ElasticSearch) { this.elasticSearchRef = elasticSearchInstanceArg; } public async ensureIndex(indexArg: string) { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); if (this.stringmap.checkString(indexArg)) { done.resolve(); return; } { format: 'json', bytes: 'm', }, async (err, responseArg: any[]) => { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } // lets delete indexes that violate the retention if (Array.isArray(responseArg)) { const filteredIndices = responseArg.filter((indexObjectArg) => { return indexObjectArg.index.startsWith('smartlog'); }); const filteredIndexNames = => { return indexObjectArg.index; }); this.deleteOldIndices(filteredIndexNames); } let index = null; if (Array.isArray(responseArg)) { index = responseArg.find((indexObject) => { return indexObject.index === indexArg; }); } if (!index) { const done2 = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); this.elasticSearchRef.client.indices.create( { waitForActiveShards: '1', index: indexArg, }, (error, response) => { // console.lof(response) done2.resolve(); } ); await done2.promise; } this.stringmap.addString(indexArg); done.resolve(); } ); await done.promise; } public createNewIndex(indexNameArg: string) {} public async deleteOldIndices(indicesArray: string[]) { const todayAsUnix: number =; const rententionPeriodAsUnix: number = plugins.smarttime.units.days( this.elasticSearchRef.indexRetention ); for (const indexName of indicesArray) { const regexResult = /^smartlog-([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)$/.exec(indexName); const dateAsUnix: number = new Date( `${regexResult[1]}-${regexResult[2]}-${regexResult[3]}` ).getTime(); if (todayAsUnix - rententionPeriodAsUnix > dateAsUnix) { console.log(`found old index ${indexName}`); const done2 = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); this.elasticSearchRef.client.indices.delete( { index: indexName, }, (err2, response2) => { if (err2) { console.log(err2); } console.log(`deleted ${indexName}`); done2.resolve(); } ); await done2.promise; } } } }