import * as plugins from './ghost.plugins.js'; import { Post, type IPostOptions } from './'; export interface IGhostConstructorOptions { baseUrl: string; contentApiKey: string; adminApiKey: string; } export class Ghost { public options: IGhostConstructorOptions; public adminApi: any; public contentApi: any; constructor(optionsArg: IGhostConstructorOptions) { this.options = optionsArg; this.adminApi = new plugins.GhostAdminAPI({ url: this.options.baseUrl, key: this.options.adminApiKey, version: 'v3', }); this.contentApi = new plugins.GhostContentAPI({ url: this.options.baseUrl, key: this.options.contentApiKey, version: 'v3', }); } public async getPosts(limit: number = 1000): Promise { try { const postsData = await this.contentApi.posts.browse({ limit, include: 'tags,authors' }); return IPostOptions) => new Post(this, postData)); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching posts:', error); throw error; } } public async getPostById(id: string): Promise { try { const postData = await{ id }); return new Post(postData, this.adminApi); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error fetching post with id ${id}:`, error); throw error; } } public async createPost(postData: IPostOptions): Promise { try { const createdPostData = await this.adminApi.posts.add(postData); return new Post(createdPostData, this.adminApi); } catch (error) { console.error('Error creating post:', error); throw error; } } public async createPostFromHtml(optionsArg: { title: string; html: string }) { const postData = await this.adminApi.posts.add( { title: optionsArg.title, html: optionsArg.html }, { source: 'html' } // Tell the API to use HTML as the content source, instead of Lexical ); return new Post(this, postData); } }