import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as logdna from '../ts/index'; import { Qenv } from '@pushrocks/qenv'; import { ILogPackage } from '@pushrocks/smartlog-interfaces'; const testQenv = new Qenv('./', './.nogit'); let testLogDnaAccount: logdna.LogdnaAccount; let testLogMessage: logdna.LogdnaMessage; tap.test('should create a valid logDna account', async () => { testLogDnaAccount = new logdna.LogdnaAccount(testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemand('LOGDNA_APIKEY')); }); tap.test('should create a standard log message', async () => { testLogMessage = logdna.LogdnaMessage.fromSmartLogPackage({ timestamp:, type: 'log', level: 'info', context: { company: 'Lossless GmbH', companyunit: '', containerName: 'ci-mojoio-logdna', environment: 'test', runtime: 'node', zone: 'shipzone' }, correlation: { id: '123', type: 'none' }, message: 'this is an awesome log message sent by the tapbundle test' }); }); tap.test('should send the message', async () => { await testLogDnaAccount.sendLogdnaMessage(testLogMessage); }); tap.test('should send in order', async () => { let i = 1; while (i < 21) { const testSmartlogMessage: ILogPackage = { timestamp:, type: 'log', level: 'info', context: { company: 'Lossless GmbH', companyunit: '', containerName: 'ci-mojoio-logdna', environment: 'test', runtime: 'node', zone: 'shipzone' }, message: `this is an awesome log message sent by the tapbundle test #${i}`, correlation: { id: '123', type: 'none' } }; testLogDnaAccount.sendSmartlogPackage(testSmartlogMessage); i++; } const testSmartlogMessage2: ILogPackage = { timestamp:, type: 'log', level: 'warn', context: { company: 'Lossless GmbH', companyunit: '', containerName: 'ci-mojoio-logdna', environment: 'test', runtime: 'node', zone: 'shipzone' }, correlation: { id: '123', type: 'none' }, message: `this is an awesome log message sent by the tapbundle test #${i}` }; testLogDnaAccount.sendSmartlogPackage(testSmartlogMessage2); const testSmartlogMessage3: ILogPackage = { timestamp:, type: 'log', level: 'error', context: { company: 'Lossless GmbH', companyunit: '', containerName: 'ci-mojoio-logdna', environment: 'test', runtime: 'node', zone: 'shipzone' }, correlation: { id: '123', type: 'none' }, message: `this is an awesome log message sent by the tapbundle test #${i}` }; testLogDnaAccount.sendSmartlogPackage(testSmartlogMessage3); }); tap.start();