import * as plugins from './logdna.plugins'; import { TLogLevel, TEnvironment, ILogPackage } from '@pushrocks/smartlog-interfaces'; /** * the constructor options for LogdnaMessage */ export interface ILogdnaMessageContructorOptions { /** * the hostname where the log message was created */ hostname: string; /** * mac */ mac: string; /** * the ip ip where the message was created */ ip: string; /** * a text message, that is the core part */ line: string; /** * the app name of the app logging */ app: string; /** * the level of the log message */ level: TLogLevel; /** * the environment of the log message */ env: TEnvironment; /** * any metadata that is used */ meta: any; /** * an array of strings */ tags: string[]; } /** * a basic LogdnaMessage */ export class LogdnaMessage { /** * create lgdna messages from smartlog package * @param smartlogPackageArg */ static fromSmartLogPackage(smartlogPackageArg: ILogPackage): LogdnaMessage { return new LogdnaMessage({ line: smartlogPackageArg.message, meta: smartlogPackageArg.context, env: smartlogPackageArg.context.environment, hostname:, level: smartlogPackageArg.level, app:, tags: (() => { const tagArray: string[] = []; tagArray.push(; tagArray.push(smartlogPackageArg.context.companyunit); return tagArray; })(), ip: '', mac: 'aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa' }); } /** * the options of this log message */ public options: ILogdnaMessageContructorOptions; constructor(optionsArg: ILogdnaMessageContructorOptions) { this.options = optionsArg; } }