import * as plugins from './ora.plugins'; import { OraProject } from './ora.classes.project'; import { OraTask } from './ora.classes.task'; /** * the interface for an ora list */ export interface IOraList { actions: number; archived: false; color: string; id: number; list_type: number; position: number; project_id: number; public: boolean; title: string; updated_at: string; view_id: number; } export class OraList implements IOraList { // ====== // STATIC // ====== public static async getAllLists(oraProjectRef: OraProject) { const response = await oraProjectRef.oraOrganizationRef.oraRef.request( `/projects/${}/lists`, 'GET' ); const oraLists: OraList[] = []; for (const dataObject of { oraLists.push(new OraList(oraProjectRef, dataObject)); } return oraLists; } // ======== // INSTANCE // ======== public actions: number; public archived: false; public color: string; public id: number; public list_type: number; public position: number; public project_id: number; public public: boolean; public title: string; public updated_at: string; public view_id: number; public oraProjectObjectRef: OraProject; constructor(oraProjectRefArg: OraProject, creationObjectArg) { this.oraProjectObjectRef = oraProjectRefArg; Object.assign(this, creationObjectArg); } public async getTasks() { return OraTask.getAllOraTasks(this); } }