import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import { Qenv } from '@pushrocks/qenv'; let testQenv = new Qenv(process.cwd(), process.cwd() + '/.nogit'); import * as slackme from '../ts/index'; let testSlackme: slackme.Slackme; let testSlackMessage: slackme.SlackMessage; tap.test('should create a valid slackme instance', async (tools) => { testSlackme = new slackme.Slackme(testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemand('SLACK_TOKEN')); }); tap.test('should send a message to Slack', async (tools) => { testSlackMessage = new slackme.SlackMessage({ author_name: 'GitLab CI', author_link: '', pretext: '*Good News*: Build successfull!', color: '#3cb371', fields: [ { title: 'Branch', value: 'Lossless Cloud', short: true }, { title: 'Product ID', value: 'pushrocks', short: true } ] }); await testSlackme.sendMessage(testSlackMessage.messageOptions, 'random'); }); tap.test('should send a message to Slack by directly calling the message', async (tools) => { testSlackMessage = new slackme.SlackMessage( { author_name: 'GitLab CI', author_link: '', pretext: '*Good News*: Build successfull!', color: '#3cb371', fields: [ { title: 'Branch', value: 'Lossless Cloud', short: true }, { title: 'Product ID', value: 'pushrocks', short: true } ] }, testSlackme ); await testSlackMessage.sendToRoom('random'); await tools.delayFor(1000); await testSlackMessage.updateAndSend({ author_name: 'GitLab CI', author_link: '', pretext: '*Good News*: Build successfull!', color: '#3cb371', fields: [ { title: 'Branch', value: 'Lossless Studio', short: true }, { title: 'Product ID', value: 'pushrocks', short: true } ] }) }); tap.start();