# @mojoio/slack slack api abstraction for the mojo.io ecosystem ## Availabililty and Links * [npmjs.org (npm package)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mojoio/slack) * [gitlab.com (source)](https://gitlab.com/mojoio/slack) * [github.com (source mirror)](https://github.com/mojoio/slack) * [docs (typedoc)](https://mojoio.gitlab.io/slack/) ## Status for master [![build status](https://gitlab.com/mojoio/slack/badges/master/build.svg)](https://gitlab.com/mojoio/slack/commits/master) [![coverage report](https://gitlab.com/mojoio/slack/badges/master/coverage.svg)](https://gitlab.com/mojoio/slack/commits/master) [![npm downloads per month](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/@mojoio/slack.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mojoio/slack) [![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/npm/@mojoio/slack/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/test/npm/@mojoio/slack) [![TypeScript](https://img.shields.io/badge/TypeScript->=%203.x-blue.svg)](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/docs/api/) [![node](https://img.shields.io/badge/node->=%2010.x.x-blue.svg)](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/docs/api/) [![JavaScript Style Guide](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-prettier-ff69b4.svg)](https://prettier.io/) ## Usage Use TypeScript for best in class instellisense. ```javascript import * as slackme from 'slackme' // First setup the hook const mySlackme = new Slackme('https://some.slack.webhook.url') mySlackme.sendMessage:{{ // MessageOptions here }, 'myAwesomeChannel'} ``` The message interface follows [Slack's docs (click here)](https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting) and looks like this: ```javascript interface IAttachmentField { title: string value: string short?: boolean } interface IMessageOptions { /** * "Required plain-text summary of the attachment." */ fallback?: string, /** * a side color */ color?: string, /** * a message to show above */ pretext?: string, /** * author name of the attachment */ author_name?: string, /** * a link to the author */ author_link?: string, /** * a string to the author */ author_icon?: string, /** * a title for the attachment */ title?: string, /** * a link for the title */ title_link?: string, /** * the main text of the message */ text?: string, fields?: IAttachmentField[], image_url?: string, thumb_url?: string, footer?: string, footer_icon?: string, /** * timestamp as epoch time */ ts?: number } ``` Alternatively, there is the option of specifying a SlackMessage class ```javascript const mySlackMessage = new SlackMessage({ /* message options here } */, mySlackme) mySlackMessage.title = 'new Title' // modify message options mySlackMessage.sendToRoom('general') mySlackMessage.title = 'another Title' mySlackMessage.sendToRoom('anotherroom') ``` For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme. > MIT licensed | **©** [Lossless GmbH](https://lossless.gmbh) | By using this npm module you agree to our [privacy policy](https://lossless.gmbH/privacy.html) [![repo-footer](https://mojoio.gitlab.io/assets/repo-footer.svg)](https://maintainedby.lossless.com)