# Changelog ## 2025-01-01 - 1.6.11 - fix(license) Update copyright notice in license to reflect new ownership - Updated copyright from Lossless GmbH to Task Venture Capital GmbH. ## 2024-12-08 - 1.6.10 - fix(core) Improve stability and performance of document generation ## 2024-12-08 - 1.6.9 - fix(contentinvoice.ts) Improve invoice item layout and fix alignment issues. - Fixed missing border on last invoice item. - Added highlighted style for invoice lines. - Corrected alignment and display of invoice item details. - Included VAT percentage display adjustments. ## 2024-12-07 - 1.6.8 - fix(rendering and logging) Removed debug logging from document rendering process. - Removed console logs from content invoice, document rendering, page scaling, and overflow checking. ## 2024-12-07 - 1.6.7 - fix(document rendering) Fixed overflow issues in document and page elements - Ensured content overflow handling in document.ts - Adjusted page element overflow settings in page.ts ## 2024-12-07 - 1.6.6 - fix(page-render) Fix layout scaling adjustment for page component - Ensure `font-family` is no longer explicitly set to inherit in `DePage` component. - Adjust scaling logic to properly set width and overflow based on calculated scale. ## 2024-12-05 - 1.6.5 - fix(contentinvoice) Fix VAT group item number formatting and remove custom font style in invoice sums. - Removed custom font-family style from the invoice sums. - Corrected VAT group item numbers display by properly formatting and removing trailing comma. ## 2024-12-05 - 1.6.4 - fix(styling) Consolidated shared styles for consistent font applied across various components. - Added a shared style file for consistent font family across components - Applied shared style to contentinvoice, letterheader, pagecontent, pagefooter, and pageheader components ## 2024-12-05 - 1.6.3 - fix(ui) Corrects font family in contentinvoice element. - Updated the font-family for line items in contentinvoice.ts ## 2024-12-05 - 1.6.2 - fix(translation) Corrected missing translation keys for VAT short form across multiple languages. - Fixed missing 'vatShort' translation for English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian in translation.ts file. ## 2024-12-05 - 1.6.1 - fix(core) Ensure consistent project structure and code organization without additional changes. ## 2024-12-05 - 1.6.0 - feat(documentSettings + translations + vat in itemLines) Updated dependencies in package.json - Updated @types/node to version ^22.10.1 - Updated qrcode package to version ^1.5.4 ## 2024-12-02 - 1.5.3 - fix(elements) Update viewer attributes and fix font integration - Updated viewer.ts to add missing property decorators for letterData and documentSettings. - Fixed font loading by correcting URLs in index.html. - Set demoDocumentSettings default header and footer to false. ## 2024-12-02 - 1.5.2 - fix(workflow) Corrected Docker image references and package scope in YAML workflows for compatibility. - Updated Docker image reference from GitLab to code.foss.global for npmci UI workflows. - Fixed npm package scope for `@shipzone/npmci` in YAML workflows. - Minor formatting corrections for better code readability. ## 2024-12-02 - 1.5.1 - fix(package) Fix duplicate node export in package.json - Resolved a duplication issue with the './node' export in package.json exports field. ## 2024-12-02 - 1.5.0 - feat(core) Refactor project structure for better modularity and code organization - Moved shared components to a dedicated 'dist_ts_shared' directory for better separation of concerns. - Updated import statements across the codebase to align with the new file structure. - Introduced translations directly under 'ts_shared' for language-specific string management. ## 2024-12-02 - 1.4.0 - feat(translation) Add French and Italian translations for document interface - Expanded translation support by adding French and Italian language translations - Fixed duplicated text in German final page statement - Improved Spanish translation of reverse VAT note and final page statement ## 2024-12-02 - 1.3.2 - fix(core) Minor updates and optimizations in the output PDF formatting process. - Improved handling of page content overflow in PDF generation. - Refined default document settings for consistent rendering. ## 2024-12-02 - 1.3.1 - fix(documentation) Updated project description and enhanced documentation in package.json and README - The package description in package.json was updated to include more features. - Added more details about setting up and using the PdfService. - Included comprehensive examples for initializing and generating PDFs. - Expanded sections covering advanced features, modular components, interactive documents, and localization support. ## 2024-12-02 - 1.3.0 - feat(translation) Add multi-language support for document translations. - Implemented translation interface for document labels. - Added Spanish translations alongside existing English and German. - Updated content invoice, page header, and page footer elements to utilize language-specific translations. ## 2024-12-01 - 1.2.0 - feat(core) Enhance document generation capabilities with improved modular structure and extended translation support. - Enhanced document generation framework with a more modular structure. - Integrated support for translations using JSON-based language maps. - Optimized PDF generation process for dynamic document content. - Added properties in 'IDocumentSettings' for language code management. - Updated README documentation with more comprehensive examples and guidance. ## 2024-11-30 - 1.1.0 - feat(core) Enhanced document generation features and added translation capabilities - Updated document rendering with advanced modular architecture. - Introduced translation mechanism for document content. - Improved PDF generation with dynamic settings support. - Enhanced test cases for PDF generation with complex document structures. ## 2024-11-27 - 1.0.103 - fix(DeDocument) Fix rendering of documents by properly moving new pages back to the document container - Resolved an issue in the DeDocument component where new pages were wrongly managed, causing errors in the rendering of documents. - Added a documentBuildContainer for temporary storage during page setup, ensuring correct page ordering. ## 2024-11-27 - 1.0.102 - fix(contentinvoice) Fixed currency display issues in invoice content rendering. - Corrected the usage of currency property to consistently pull from letterData content for invoice items. - Ensured currency is correctly displayed in the invoice PDF generation. ## 2024-11-27 - 1.0.101 - fix(shared) Fixed the demo letter item details by replacing `currency` with `position` to correctly define the item position. - Replaced incorrect 'currency' field with 'position' in demoletter.ts for item details. - Ensured item positions are correctly assigned in demoletter.ts. ## 2024-11-27 - 1.0.100 - fix(core) Fix issues with PDF service, invoice item positioning, and update package dependencies. - Updated package dependencies to latest versions for improved stability and performance. - Fixed invoice item positioning in demo data. - Ensured PDF service handles rendering updates more efficiently. ## 2024-04-20 to 2023-10-16 - 1.0.99 to 1.0.90 - Core Fixes and Documentation Update Routine updates and fixes with a focus on core improvements and documentation enhancements. - Regular core updates to enhance stability and performance - Updated project documentation for better clarity and user guidance