82 lines
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82 lines
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import * as interfaces from '../interfaces/index.js';
type TTranslationImplementation = {
[key in keyof interfaces.IDeDocumentTranslations]: string;
export const EN_translations: TTranslationImplementation = {
address: 'Address',
bankConnection: 'Bank Connection',
contactInfo: 'Contact Info',
description: 'Description',
invoice: 'Invoice',
itemPos: 'Item Pos.',
quantity: 'Quantity',
registrationInfo: 'Registration Info',
reverseVatNote: 'VAT arises on a reverse charge basis and is payable by the customer.',
totalNetPrice: 'Total Net Price',
unitNetPrice: 'Unit Net Price',
unitType: 'Unit Type',
yourCustomerId: 'Your Customer ID:',
yourVatId: 'Your vat id on file:',
continuesOnPage: 'Continues on page',
finalPageStatement: 'This is the final page of this document.',
page: 'Page',
export const DE_translations: TTranslationImplementation = {
address: 'Adresse',
bankConnection: 'Bankverbindung',
contactInfo: 'Kontaktinformationen',
description: 'Beschreibung',
invoice: 'Rechnung',
itemPos: 'Pos.',
quantity: 'Anzahl',
registrationInfo: 'HRA/HRB Info',
reverseVatNote: 'Umkehr der Umsatzsteuerpflicht: Der Rechnungsempfänger ist für die korrekte Abrechnung der Umsatzsteuer zuständig.',
totalNetPrice: 'Nettopreis Summe',
unitNetPrice: 'Nettopreis',
unitType: 'Einheit',
yourCustomerId: 'Ihre Kundennummer:',
yourVatId: 'Ihre Umsatzsteuer-ID:',
continuesOnPage: 'Fortsetzung auf Seite',
finalPageStatement: 'Diese ist die letzte Seite einer Dokumente.',
page: 'Seite',
export const ES_translations: TTranslationImplementation = {
address: 'Dirección',
bankConnection: 'Conexión bancaria',
contactInfo: 'Información de contacto',
description: 'Descripción',
invoice: 'Factura',
itemPos: 'Pos.',
quantity: 'Cantidad',
registrationInfo: 'Información de registro',
reverseVatNote: 'La declaración de IVA se aplica en base a la factura de venta, y se paga por el cliente.',
totalNetPrice: 'Precio total neto',
unitNetPrice: 'Precio unitario neto',
unitType: 'Tipo de unidad',
yourCustomerId: 'Su número de cliente:',
yourVatId: 'Su ID de IVA:',
continuesOnPage: 'Continues on page',
finalPageStatement: 'This is the final page of this document.',
page: 'Page',
export const languageCodeMap = {
'DE': DE_translations,
'EN': EN_translations,
'ES': ES_translations,
export type TLanguageCode = keyof typeof languageCodeMap;
export const translate = (languageCode: TLanguageCode, key: string, defaultValue: string) => {
const translations = languageCodeMap[languageCode] || EN_translations;
if (translations && translations[key]) {
return translations[key];
} else {
return defaultValue;
}; |