242 lines
5.4 KiB
242 lines
5.4 KiB
import * as plugins from './plugins.js';
import * as paths from './paths.js';
import * as interfaces from '../ts/interfaces/index.js';
import { expect, tap } from '@push.rocks/tapbundle';
import * as deesDocumentServer from '../ts/index.js';
let testPdfServiceInstance: deesDocumentServer.PdfService;
const testLetterData: plugins.tsclass.business.ILetter = {
accentColor: null,
type: 'invoice',
date: null,
needsCoverSheet: true,
objectActions: [],
pdf: null,
content: {
invoiceData: {
id: 'XX-CLIENT-48765',
reverseCharge: true,
dueInDays: 30,
currency: 'EUR',
notes: [],
type: 'debitnote',
billedBy: {
address: null,
description: null,
name: 'Some Service GmbH',
type: null,
customerNumber: null,
email: null,
facebookUrl: null,
fax: null,
legalEntity: null,
sepaConnection: {
bic: 'BPOTBEB1',
iban: 'BE72000000001616',
billedTo: null,
status: null,
deliveryDate: new Date().getTime(),
periodOfPerformance: null,
printResult: null,
items: [
name: 'Website Creation',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 0,
position: 1,
contractData: {
contractDate: Date.now(),
id: 'LL-CONTRACT-48765',
textData: [],
timesheetData: '',
from: {
name: 'PdfService Test Company',
type: 'company',
description: 'doing pdf stuff',
address: {
streetName: 'Awesome Street',
houseNumber: '5',
city: 'Bremen',
country: 'Germany',
postalCode: '28359',
sepaConnection: {
bic: 'BPOTBEB1',
iban: 'BE72000000001616',
to: {
name: 'Awesome To Company',
type: 'company',
description: 'a company that does stuff',
address: {
streetName: 'Awesome Street',
houseNumber: '5',
city: 'Bremen',
country: 'Germany',
postalCode: '28359',
incidenceId: null,
language: null,
legalContact: null,
logoUrl: null,
pdfAttachments: null,
subject: 'Invoice XX-CLIENT-48765',
versionInfo: {
type: 'final',
version: '1.0.0',
tap.test('should create a document from an invoice', async () => {
testPdfServiceInstance = new deesDocumentServer.PdfService({});
await testPdfServiceInstance.start();
tap.test('should create an invoice', async () => {
let counter = 0;
const saveResult = async (optionsArg: {
letterData: plugins.tsclass.business.ILetter;
documentSettings: interfaces.IDocumentSettings;
}) => {
const pdfResult = await testPdfServiceInstance.createPdfFromLetterObject(optionsArg);
await plugins.smartfile.memory.toFs(
plugins.path.join(paths.nogitDir, `test-${counter++}.pdf`)
await saveResult({
letterData: testLetterData,
documentSettings: {},
await saveResult({
letterData: {
versionInfo: {
type: 'draft',
version: '1.0.0',
documentSettings: {},
(testLetterData.content.invoiceData.items = [
name: 'Website Creation',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 0,
position: 1,
name: 'Hosting',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 19,
position: 2,
name: 'Overnight Shipping',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 24,
position: 3,
name: 'Website Creation',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 0,
position: 4,
name: 'Hosting',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 19,
position: 5,
name: 'Overnight Shipping',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 24,
position: 6,
name: 'Website Creation',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 0,
position: 7,
name: 'Hosting',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 19,
position: 8,
name: 'Overnight Shipping',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 24,
position: 9,
name: 'Website Creation',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 0,
position: 10,
name: 'Hosting',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 19,
position: 11,
name: 'Overnight Shipping',
unitQuantity: 1,
unitNetPrice: 1200,
unitType: 'item',
vatPercentage: 24,
position: 12,
await saveResult({
letterData: testLetterData,
documentSettings: {},
tap.test('should stop the service', async () => {
await testPdfServiceInstance.stop();