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2022-04-20 21:56:09 +00:00
export enum Key {
Backspace = 8,
Tab = 9,
Enter = 13,
Shift = 16,
Ctrl = 17,
Alt = 18,
PauseBreak = 19,
CapsLock = 20,
Escape = 27,
Space = 32,
PageUp = 33,
PageDown = 34,
End = 35,
Home = 36,
LeftArrow = 37,
UpArrow = 38,
RightArrow = 39,
DownArrow = 40,
Insert = 45,
Delete = 46,
Zero = 48,
ClosedParen = Zero,
One = 49,
ExclamationMark = One,
Two = 50,
AtSign = Two,
Three = 51,
PoundSign = Three,
Hash = PoundSign,
Four = 52,
DollarSign = Four,
Five = 53,
PercentSign = Five,
Six = 54,
Caret = Six,
Hat = Caret,
Seven = 55,
Ampersand = Seven,
Eight = 56,
Star = Eight,
Asterik = Star,
Nine = 57,
OpenParen = Nine,
A = 65,
B = 66,
C = 67,
D = 68,
E = 69,
F = 70,
G = 71,
H = 72,
I = 73,
J = 74,
K = 75,
L = 76,
M = 77,
N = 78,
O = 79,
P = 80,
Q = 81,
R = 82,
S = 83,
T = 84,
U = 85,
V = 86,
W = 87,
X = 88,
Y = 89,
Z = 90,
LeftWindowKey = 91,
RightWindowKey = 92,
SelectKey = 93,
Numpad0 = 96,
Numpad1 = 97,
Numpad2 = 98,
Numpad3 = 99,
Numpad4 = 100,
Numpad5 = 101,
Numpad6 = 102,
Numpad7 = 103,
Numpad8 = 104,
Numpad9 = 105,
Multiply = 106,
Add = 107,
Subtract = 109,
DecimalPoint = 110,
Divide = 111,
F1 = 112,
F2 = 113,
F3 = 114,
F4 = 115,
F5 = 116,
F6 = 117,
F7 = 118,
F8 = 119,
F9 = 120,
F10 = 121,
F11 = 122,
F12 = 123,
NumLock = 144,
ScrollLock = 145,
SemiColon = 186,
Equals = 187,
Comma = 188,
Dash = 189,
Period = 190,
UnderScore = Dash,
PlusSign = Equals,
ForwardSlash = 191,
Tilde = 192,
GraveAccent = Tilde,
OpenBracket = 219,
ClosedBracket = 221,
Quote = 222
type KeyCombo = Array<Key>
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event - pressed key event, in case of multi-key combos
* the last pressed key event is passed to this handler
type Handler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => void
export class Keyboard {
private mapCombosToHandlers = new Map<number[], Handler[]>();
private pressedKeys = new Set<Key>();
private domNode: Element | Document
) {
on(keys: Key[] | KeyCombo[], callback: Handler) {
const combos = this.toCombos(keys)
combos.forEach(combo => {
this.registerComboCallback(combo, callback)
startListening() {
this.domNode.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown)
this.domNode.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp)
stopListening() {
this.domNode.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown)
this.domNode.removeEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp)
clear() {
private handleKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
this.mapCombosToHandlers.forEach((handlers, combo) => {
if (this.isComboPressed(combo)) {
handlers.forEach(handler => handler(event))
private handleKeyUp = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
private isComboPressed(combo: number[]) {
let result = true
combo.forEach(key => {
if (!this.pressedKeys.has(key)) {
result = false
return result
private registerComboCallback(combo: Array<Key>, callback: Handler) {
if (!this.mapCombosToHandlers.has(combo)) {
this.mapCombosToHandlers.set(combo, [])
const handlers = this.mapCombosToHandlers.get(combo)
private toCombos(keys: KeyCombo[] | Key[]) {
if (keys.length === 0) {
return []
const isKeys = !Array.isArray(keys[0])
let combos: KeyCombo[] = []
if (isKeys) {
combos = (keys as Key[]).map(key => [key])
} else {
combos = keys as KeyCombo[]
combos = combos.filter(combo => combo.length > 0)
return combos