import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; @plugins.smartdata.Manager() export class BusinessRecord extends plugins.smartdata.SmartDataDbDoc< BusinessRecord, BusinessRecord > { @plugins.smartdata.unI() id: string; @plugins.smartdata.svDb() data: { name?: string; startDate?: string; endDate?: string; status?: 'active' | 'liquidating' | 'closed'; address?: string; postalCode?: string; city?: string; country?: string; phone?: string; fax?: string; email?: string; website?: string; businessType?: string; registrationId?: string; germanParsedRegistration?: { court?: string; type?: 'HRA' | 'HRB' | 'GnR' | 'PR' | 'VR' | 'GsR'; number?: string; }; legalForm?: | 'GmbH' | 'GmbH & Co. KG' | 'AG' | 'LLC' | 'LLP' | 'GmbH & Co. KGaA' | 'GmbH & Co. KGaA, LLC'; managingDirectors?: string[]; boardOfDirectors?: string[]; supervisoryBoard?: string[]; foundingDate?: string; capital?: string; purpose?: string; lastUpdate?: string; } = {}; /** * validates the record against the Handelregister. */ public async validate() { if (! throw new Error('Name is required.'); } }