import { expect, expectAsync, tap } from ''; import { tapNodeTools } from ''; import * as opendata from '../ts/index.js' import { BusinessRecord } from '../ts/classes.businessrecord.js'; let testOpenDataInstance: opendata.OpenData; tap.test('first test', async () => { testOpenDataInstance = new opendata.OpenData(); expect(testOpenDataInstance).toBeInstanceOf(opendata.OpenData); }); tap.test('should start the instance', async () => { await testOpenDataInstance.start(); }) tap.skip.test('should build initial data', async () => { await testOpenDataInstance.buildInitialDb(); }); const resultsSearch = tap.test('should get the data for a company', async () => { const result = await testOpenDataInstance.handelsregister.searchCompany('Volkswagen', 20); console.log(result); return result; }); tap.test('should get the data for a specific company', async () => { let testCompany: BusinessRecord['data']['germanParsedRegistration'] = (await resultsSearch.testResultPromise)[7]['germanParsedRegistration']; console.log(`trying to find specific company with:`); console.log(testCompany); const result = await testOpenDataInstance.handelsregister.getSpecificCompany(testCompany); console.log(result); (file) => { await file.writeToDir('./.nogit/testoutput'); }); }); tap.test('should stop the instance', async () => { await testOpenDataInstance.stop(); }); tap.start()