import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; import * as paths from './paths.js'; import * as tsbuild from './tsbuild.exports.js'; export const runCli = async () => { const tsbuildCli = new plugins.smartcli.Smartcli(); /** * the standard task compiles anything in ts/ directory to dist directory */ tsbuildCli.standardCommand().subscribe(async (argvArg) => { tsbuild.compileGlobStringObject( { './ts/**/*.ts': './dist_ts', }, {}, process.cwd(), argvArg ); }); /** * the custom command compiles any customDir to dist_customDir */ tsbuildCli.addCommand('custom').subscribe(async (argvArg) => { const listedDirectories = argvArg._; listedDirectories.shift(); // removes the first element that is "custom" const compilationCommandObject: { [key: string]: string } = {}; for (const directory of listedDirectories) { compilationCommandObject[`./${directory}/**/*.ts`] = `./dist_${directory}`; } await tsbuild.compileGlobStringObject(compilationCommandObject, {}, process.cwd(), argvArg); }); /** * the custom command compiles any customDir to dist_customDir */ tsbuildCli.addCommand('tsfolders').subscribe(async (argvArg) => { const tsFolders = await plugins.smartfile.fs.listFolders(paths.cwd, /^ts/); // lets make sure shared is always transpiled first const indexShared = tsFolders.indexOf('ts_shared'); if (indexShared > -1) { tsFolders.splice(indexShared, 1); tsFolders.unshift('ts_shared'); } // lets make sure interfaces are always transpiled first const indexInterfaces = tsFolders.indexOf('ts_interfaces'); if (indexInterfaces > -1) { tsFolders.splice(indexInterfaces, 1); tsFolders.unshift('ts_interfaces'); } const compilationCommandObject: { [key: string]: string } = {}; console.log(`compiling in this order:`); console.log(tsFolders); for (const tsFolder of tsFolders) { compilationCommandObject[`./${tsFolder}/**/*.ts`] = `./dist_${tsFolder}`; } await tsbuild.compileGlobStringObject(compilationCommandObject, {}, process.cwd(), argvArg); }); tsbuildCli.startParse(); };