import * as plugins from './tsbundle.plugins'; import { logger } from './tsbundle.logging'; export class TsBundleProcess { /** * the basic default options for rollup */ public getBaseOptions( fromArg: string = `ts_web/index.ts`, toArg: string = 'dist_bundle/bundle.js' ) { logger.log('info', `from: ${fromArg}`); logger.log('info', `to: ${toArg}`); const baseOptions: plugins.rollup.RollupOptions = { input: fromArg, output: { name: 'tsbundle', file: toArg, format: 'iife', sourcemap: true, }, // Indicate here external modules you don't wanna include in your bundle (i.e.: 'lodash') external: [], watch: { include: ['src/**'], }, plugins: [ // Compile TypeScript files plugins.rollupTypescript({ include: plugins.path.parse(fromArg).dir ? plugins.path.parse(fromArg).dir + '/**/*.ts' : '**/*.ts', declaration: false, emitDecoratorMetadata: true, experimentalDecorators: true, inlineSourceMap: true, noEmitOnError: true, lib: ['esnext', 'dom', 'es2017.object'], noImplicitAny: false, target: 'es2018', allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true, importsNotUsedAsValues: 'preserve', }), plugins.rollupJson(), // Allow node_modules resolution, so you can use 'external' to control // which external modules to include in the bundle // plugins.rollupResolve(), plugins.rollupCommonjs({}), // Resolve source maps to the original source plugins.rollupSourceMaps() ], }; return baseOptions; } public getOptionsTest(fromArg: string, toArg: string): plugins.rollup.RollupOptions { return this.getBaseOptions(fromArg, toArg); } public getOptionsProduction(fromArg: string, toArg: string): plugins.rollup.RollupOptions { const productionOptions = this.getBaseOptions(fromArg, toArg); productionOptions.plugins.push( plugins.rollupTerser({ compress: true, mangle: true }) ); return productionOptions; } constructor() { // Nothing here } /** * creates a bundle for the test enviroment */ public async buildTest( fromArg: string, toArg: string, bundlerArg: 'rollup' | 'parcel' = 'rollup' ) { // create a bundle switch (bundlerArg) { case 'rollup': logger.log('info', `bundling for TEST!`); const buildOptions = this.getOptionsTest(fromArg, toArg); const bundle = await plugins.rollup.rollup(buildOptions); bundle.generate(buildOptions.output as plugins.rollup.OutputOptions); await bundle.write(buildOptions.output as plugins.rollup.OutputOptions); logger.log('ok', `Successfully bundled files!`); process.exit(0); case 'parcel': const parsedPath = plugins.path.parse(toArg); const parcelInstance = new plugins.smartparcel.Parcel(fromArg, parsedPath.dir, parsedPath.base); await; } } /** * creates a bundle for the production environment */ public async buildProduction(fromArg: string, toArg: string) { // create a bundle logger.log('info', `bundling for PRODUCTION!`); const buildOptions = this.getOptionsProduction(fromArg, toArg); const bundle = await plugins.rollup.rollup(buildOptions); bundle.generate(buildOptions.output as plugins.rollup.OutputOptions); await bundle.write(buildOptions.output as plugins.rollup.OutputOptions); logger.log('ok', `Successfully bundled files!`); process.exit(0); } } const run = async () => { console.log('running spawned compilation process'); console.log(`cwd: ${process.env.tsbundleCwd}`); console.log(`from: ${process.env.tsbundleFrom}`); console.log(`to: ${process.env.tsbundleTo}`); console.log(`mode: ${process.env.tsbundleMode}`); process.chdir(process.env.tsbundleCwd); console.log(`switched to ${process.cwd()}`) const tsbundleProcessInstance = new TsBundleProcess(); if (process.env.tsbundleMode === 'test') { tsbundleProcessInstance.buildTest(process.env.tsbundleFrom, process.env.tsbundleTo, process.env.tsbundleBundler as 'rollup' | 'parcel'); } else { tsbundleProcessInstance.buildProduction(process.env.tsbundleFrom, process.env.tsbundleTo); } } run();