#!/usr/bin/env node /// var plugins = require("./npmts.plugins"); var paths = require("./npmts.paths"); exports.run = function (configArg) { var done = plugins.Q.defer(); var config = configArg; plugins.beautylog.log("now running custom tasks"); var moduleStream = plugins.merge2({ end: false }); /* ------------------------------------------------- * ----------- first install typings --------------- * ----------------------------------------------- */ var typingsDone = plugins.Q.defer(); var typingsCounter = 0; var typingsCounterAdvance = function () { typingsCounter++; if (typeof config.typings[typingsCounter] != "undefined") { installTypings(); } else { plugins.beautylog.success("custom typings installed successfully"); typingsDone.resolve(); } }; var installTypings = function () { plugins.beautylog.log("now installing " + "typings.json".yellow + " from " + config.typings[typingsCounter].blue); plugins.typings.install({ production: false, cwd: plugins.path.join(paths.cwd, config.typings[typingsCounter]) }) .then(function () { typingsCounterAdvance(); }, function () { plugins.beautylog.error("something went wrong: Check if path is correct: " + config.typings[typingsCounter].blue); typingsCounterAdvance(); }); }; installTypings(); /* ------------------------------------------------- * ----------- second compile TS ------------------- * ----------------------------------------------- */ typingsDone.promise.then(function () { for (var key in config.ts) { plugins.beautylog.log("now compiling" + key.blue); var outputPathIsDir; try { if (plugins.fs.statSync(plugins.path.join(paths.cwd, config.ts[key])).isDirectory()) { outputPathIsDir = true; } } catch (err) { outputPathIsDir = false; } //do some evaluation of the environment var outputNameSpecified = (!outputPathIsDir && (plugins.path.extname(config.ts[key]) == ".js")); var outputName = (function () { if (outputNameSpecified) { return plugins.path.basename(config.ts[key]); } else { return undefined; } })(); var outputDir = (function () { if (outputNameSpecified) { return plugins.path.dirname(plugins.path.join(paths.cwd, config.ts[key])); } else { return plugins.path.join(paths.cwd, config.ts[key]); } })(); var stream = plugins.gulp.src([plugins.path.join(paths.cwd, key), "!**/typings/**"]) .pipe(plugins.g.sourcemaps.init()) // This means sourcemaps will be generated .pipe(plugins.g.typescript({ out: outputName, target: "ES5", module: "commonjs" })) .pipe(plugins.g.sourcemaps.write()) // Now the sourcemaps are added to the .js file .pipe(plugins.gulp.dest(outputDir)); moduleStream.add(stream); } moduleStream.on("queueDrain", function () { plugins.beautylog.success("custom TypeScript installed successfully"); moduleStream.on("finish", function () { done.resolve(config); }); moduleStream.end(); }); }); return done.promise; };