import * as q from 'smartq'; import * as plugins from './npmts.plugins'; import * as paths from './npmts.paths'; import * as NpmtsConfig from './npmts.config'; import * as NpmtsMods from './npmts.mods'; import * as NpmtsWatch from './'; import * as NpmtsShip from './npmts.ship'; /** * smartanalytics * this data is fully anonymized (no Ips or any other personal information is tracked). * It just keeps track which of our tools are really used... * ... so we know where to spend our limited resources for improving them. * Since yarn is out and there is heavy caching going on, * pure download stats are just not reliable enough for us anymore * Feel free to dig into the smartanalytics package, if you are interested in how it works. * It is just an https call to our own Lossless Analytics API. * Our privacy policy can be found here: */ let npmtsAnalytics = new plugins.smartanalytics.Analytics({ apiEndPoint: '', projectId: 'gitzone', appName: 'npmts' }); process.nextTick(async () => { // make the analytics call npmtsAnalytics .recordEvent('npmToolExecution', { executionMode: (await NpmtsConfig.configPromise).mode, tsOptions: (await NpmtsConfig.configPromise).tsOptions, watch: (await NpmtsConfig.configPromise).watch, coverageTreshold: (await NpmtsConfig.configPromise).coverageTreshold }) .catch(err => { plugins.beautylog.warn('Lossless Analytics API not available...'); }); }); export let run = async () => { let done = q.defer(); plugins.beautylog.figletSync('NPMTS'); let npmtsProjectInfo = new plugins.projectinfo.ProjectinfoNpm(paths.npmtsPackageRoot); // check for updates await plugins.smartupdate.standardHandler.check( 'npmts', npmtsProjectInfo.version, '' ); plugins.beautylog.log('---------------------------------------------'); let npmtsCli = new plugins.smartcli.Smartcli(); // build npmtsCli.addCommand('build').subscribe( async argvArg => { let done = q.defer();'npmts version: ' + npmtsProjectInfo.version); const configArg: NpmtsConfig.INpmtsConfig = await; plugins.beautylog.ora.start('loading additional modules...'); NpmtsMods.modCompile .load() .then(modCompile => { return; }) .then(configArg => { let done = q.defer(); NpmtsMods.modDocs .load() .then(modDocs => { return; }) .then(configArg => { done.resolve(configArg); }); return done.promise; }) .then(configArg => { let done = q.defer(); NpmtsMods.modTest .load() .then(modTest => { return; }) .then(configArg => { done.resolve(configArg); }); return done.promise; }) .then( .then(; return done.promise; }, err => { if (err instanceof Error) { console.log(err); } } ); // standard task npmtsCli.standardTask().subscribe(async argvArg => { await npmtsCli.trigger('build'); }); // cli metadata npmtsCli.addVersion(npmtsProjectInfo.version); // start parsing npmtsCli.startParse(); return await done.promise; };