
48 lines
1.9 KiB

"use strict";
/// <reference path="./typings/main.d.ts" />
var plugins = require("./npmts.plugins");
var paths = require("./npmts.paths");
var helpers = require("./npmts.compile.helpers");
exports.run = function (configArg) {
var done = plugins.Q.defer();
var config = configArg;
plugins.beautylog.log("now compiling " + "TypeScript".yellow);
var moduleStream = plugins.merge2({ end: false });
/* -------------------------------------------------
* ----------- compile TypeScript --------------------------
* ----------------------------------------------- */
var tsOptionsDefault = {
declaration: true,
target: "ES5",
module: "commonjs"
* merges default ts options with those found in npmts.json
var tsOptions = function (keyArg) {
return plugins.lodashObject.assign(tsOptionsDefault, config.tsOptions);
for (var keyArg in config.ts) {
if (helpers.checkOutputPath(config, keyArg)) {
var tsStream = plugins.gulp.src([plugins.path.join(paths.cwd, keyArg), "!**/typings/**"])
.pipe(plugins.g.sourcemaps.init()) // This means sourcemaps will be generated
var jsStream = tsStream.js
.pipe(plugins.g.sourcemaps.write()) // Now the sourcemaps are added to the .js file
var declarationStream = tsStream.dts
moduleStream.add(tsStream, jsStream, declarationStream);
moduleStream.on("queueDrain", function () {
plugins.beautylog.ok("TypeScript has been compiled!");
moduleStream.on("finish", function () {
/*==================== END TS Compilation =====================*/
return done.promise;