import * as plugins from '../plugins.js'; import { AiDoc } from '../classes.aidoc.js'; import { ProjectContext } from './projectcontext.js'; export interface INextCommitObject { recommendedNextVersionLevel: 'fix' | 'feat' | 'BREAKING CHANGE'; // the recommended next version level of the project recommendedNextVersionScope: string; // the recommended scope name of the next version, like "core" or "cli", or specific class names. recommendedNextVersionMessage: string; // the commit message. Don't put fix() feat() or BREAKING CHANGE in the message. Please just the message itself. recommendedNextVersion: string; // the recommended next version of the project, x.x.x changelog?: string; // the changelog for the next version } export class Commit { private aiDocsRef: AiDoc; private projectDir: string; constructor(aiDocsRef: AiDoc, projectDirArg: string) { this.aiDocsRef = aiDocsRef; this.projectDir = projectDirArg; } public async buildNextCommitObject(): Promise { const smartgitInstance = new plugins.smartgit.Smartgit(); await smartgitInstance.init(); const gitRepo = await plugins.smartgit.GitRepo.fromOpeningRepoDir(smartgitInstance, this.projectDir); const diffString = await gitRepo.getUncommittedDiff(); const projectContext = new ProjectContext(this.projectDir); let contextString = await projectContext.update(); contextString = ` ${contextString} Below is the diff of the uncommitted changes. If nothing is changed, there are no changes: ${diffString || 'No changes.'} ` let result = await{ systemMessage: ` You create a commit message for a git commit. The commit message should be based on the files in the project. You should not include any licensing information. You should not include any personal information. Important: Answer only in valid JSON. Your answer should be parseable with JSON.parse() without modifying anything. Here is the structure of the JSON you should return: { recommendedNextVersionLevel: 'fix' | 'feat' | 'BREAKING CHANGE'; // the recommended next version level of the project recommendedNextVersionScope: string; // the recommended scope name of the next version, like "core" or "cli", or specific class names. recommendedNextVersionMessage: string; // the commit message. Don't put fix() feat() or BREAKING CHANGE in the message. Please just the message itself. recommendedNextVersion: string; // the recommended next version of the project, x.x.x } You are being given the files of the project. You should use them to create the commit message. Also you are given a diff `, messageHistory: [], userMessage: contextString, }); // console.log(result.message); const resultObject: INextCommitObject = JSON.parse(result.message.replace('```json', '').replace('```', '')); // lets build the changelog based on that const commitMessages = await gitRepo.getAllCommitMessages(); const previousChangelogPath = plugins.path.join(this.projectDir, ''); let previousChangelog: plugins.smartfile.SmartFile; if (await plugins.smartfile.fs.fileExists(previousChangelogPath)) { previousChangelog = await plugins.smartfile.SmartFile.fromFilePath(previousChangelogPath); } let result2 = await{ messageHistory: [], systemMessage: ` You are building a changelog file for the projext. Omit commits and versions that lack relevant changes. You are given * the previous changelog file (if available) * the commit messages of the project Only return the changelog file, so it can be written directly to For the latest version, that is not yet part of the commit messages, use {{nextVersion}} and {{nextVersionMessage}} placeholders. Only output newer versions and their changes compared to ones already mentioned. We take of appending your output later. `, userMessage: ` The previous changelog file is: ${(!previousChangelog) ? 'No previous changelog file found' : previousChangelog.contents.toString()} Here are the commit messages so far: ${commitMessages.join('\n\n')} ` }) resultObject.changelog = result2.message; return resultObject; } }