import * as plugins from './npmdocker.plugins' import * as paths from './npmdocker.paths' // modules import * as ConfigModule from './npmdocker.config' import * as DockerModule from './npmdocker.docker' /** * smartanalytics * this data is fully anonymized (no Ips or any other personal information is tracked). * It just keeps track which of our tools are really used... * ... so we know where to spend our limited resources for improving them. * Since yarn is out and there is heavy caching going on, * pure download stats are just not reliable enough for us anymore * Feel free to dig into the smartanalytics package, if you are interested in how it works. * It is just an https call to Google Analytics. * Our privacy policy can be found here: */ let npmdockerAnalytics = new plugins.smartanalytics.Analytics({ apiEndPoint: '', appName: 'npmdocker', projectId: 'gitzone' }) npmdockerAnalytics.recordEvent('npmtoolexecution', { somedata: 'somedata' }) let npmdockerCli = new plugins.smartcli.Smartcli() export let run = () => { npmdockerCli.standardTask().then(async (argvArg) => { plugins.beautylog.figletSync('npmdocker') let configArg = await .then( if (configArg.exitCode === 0) { plugins.beautylog.success('container ended all right!') } else { plugins.beautylog.error(`container ended with error! Exit Code is ${configArg.exitCode}`) process.exit(1) } }) /** * this command is executed inside docker and meant for use from outside docker */ npmdockerCli.addCommand('runinside').then(async (argvArg) => { plugins.beautylog.ok('Allright. We are now in Docker!') plugins.beautylog.log('now trying to run your specified command') let configArg = await await plugins.smartshell.exec(configArg.command).then(response => { if (response.exitCode !== 0) { process.exit(1) } }) }) npmdockerCli.addCommand('clean').then(async (argvArg) => { plugins.beautylog.ora.start() plugins.beautylog.ora.text('cleaning up docker env...') if (argvArg.all) { plugins.beautylog.ora.text('killing any running docker containers...') await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker kill $(docker ps -q)`) plugins.beautylog.ora.text('removing stopped containers...') await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)`) plugins.beautylog.ora.text('removing images...') await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)`) plugins.beautylog.ora.text('removing all other images...') await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)`) plugins.beautylog.ora.text('removing all volumes...') await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q)`) } plugins.beautylog.ora.endOk('docker environment now is clean!') }) npmdockerCli.addCommand('speedtest').then(async (argvArg) => { plugins.beautylog.figletSync('npmdocker') plugins.beautylog.ok('Starting speedtest') await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker pull tianon/speedtest && docker run --rm tianon/speedtest`) }) npmdockerCli.startParse() }