import * as plugins from './npmdocker.plugins'; export interface IDockerfileSnippet { baseImage: string; command: string; } let getMountSolutionString = (optionsArg: IDockerfileSnippet) => { if (process.env.CI) { return 'COPY ./ /workspace'; } else { return '# not copying workspcae since not in CI'; } }; let getGlobalPreparationString = (optionsArg: IDockerfileSnippet) => { if (optionsArg.baseImage !== 'hosttoday/ht-docker-node:npmdocker') { return 'RUN yarn global add npmdocker'; } else { return '# not installing npmdocker since it is included in the base image'; } }; export let dockerfileSnippet = (optionsArg: IDockerfileSnippet): string => { return plugins.smartstring.indent.normalize( ` FROM ${optionsArg.baseImage} # For info about what npmdocker does read the docs at ${getGlobalPreparationString(optionsArg)} ${getMountSolutionString(optionsArg)} WORKDIR /workspace ENV CI=true ENTRYPOINT ["npmdocker"] CMD ["runinside"] ` ); };