
165 lines
4.6 KiB

import * as plugins from './npmdocker.plugins';
import * as paths from './npmdocker.paths';
import * as snippets from './npmdocker.snippets'
// interfaces
import { IConfig } from './npmdocker.config'
let config: IConfig
* the docker data used to build the internal testing container
let dockerData = {
imageTag: 'npmdocker-temp-image:latest',
containerName: 'npmdocker-temp-container',
dockerProjectMountString: '',
dockerSockString: '',
dockerEnvString: ''
* check if docker is available
let checkDocker = () => {
let done = plugins.q.defer()
plugins.beautylog.ora.text('checking docker...')
if (plugins.smartshell.which('docker')) {
plugins.beautylog.ok('Docker found!')
} else {
done.reject(new Error('docker not found on this machine'))
return done.promise
* builds the Dockerfile according to the config in the project
let buildDockerFile = () => {
let done = plugins.q.defer()
plugins.beautylog.ora.text('building Dockerfile...')
let dockerfile: string = snippets.dockerfileSnippet({
baseImage: config.baseImage,
command: config.command
plugins.beautylog.info(`Base image is: ${config.baseImage}`)
plugins.beautylog.info(`Command is: ${config.command}`)
plugins.smartfile.memory.toFsSync(dockerfile, paths.dockerfile)
plugins.beautylog.ok('Dockerfile created!')
return done.promise
* builds the Dockerimage from the built Dockerfile
let buildDockerImage = async () => {
plugins.beautylog.ora.text('pulling latest base image from registry...')
await plugins.smartshell.execSilent(
`docker pull ${config.baseImage}`
).then(async () => {
plugins.beautylog.ora.text('building Dockerimage...')
// are we creating a build context form project ?
if (process.env.CI === 'true') {
plugins.beautylog.ora.text('creating build context...')
plugins.smartfile.fs.copySync(paths.cwd, paths.buildContextDir)
await plugins.smartshell.execSilent(
`docker build -f ${paths.dockerfile} -t ${dockerData.imageTag} ${paths.assets}`
).then(async () => {
plugins.beautylog.ok('Dockerimage built!')
let buildDockerProjectMountString = async () => {
if (process.env.CI !== 'true') {
dockerData.dockerProjectMountString = `-v ${paths.cwd}:/workspace`
* builds an environment string that docker cli understands
let buildDockerEnvString = async () => {
for (let keyValueObjectArg of config.keyValueObjectArray) {
let envString = dockerData.dockerEnvString = dockerData.dockerEnvString + `-e ${keyValueObjectArg.key}=${keyValueObjectArg.value} `
* creates string to mount the docker.sock inside the testcontainer
let buildDockerSockString = async () => {
if (config.dockerSock) {
dockerData.dockerSockString = `-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock`
* creates a container by running the built Dockerimage
let runDockerImage = async () => {
let done = plugins.q.defer()
plugins.beautylog.ora.text('starting Container...')
plugins.beautylog.log('now running Dockerimage')
config.exitCode = (await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker run ${dockerData.dockerProjectMountString} ${dockerData.dockerSockString} ${dockerData.dockerEnvString} --name ${dockerData.containerName} ${dockerData.imageTag}`)).exitCode
* cleans up: deletes the test container
let deleteDockerContainer = async () => {
await plugins.smartshell.execSilent(`docker rm -f ${dockerData.containerName}`)
* cleans up deletes the test image
let deleteDockerImage = async () => {
await plugins.smartshell.exec(`docker rmi ${dockerData.imageTag}`)
* cleans up, deletes the build context
let deleteBuildContext = async () => {
await plugins.smartfile.fs.remove(paths.buildContextDir)
let preClean = async () => {
await deleteDockerImage()
.then(async () => {
plugins.beautylog.ok('ensured clean Docker environment!')
let postClean = async () => {
await deleteDockerContainer()
.then(async () => {
plugins.beautylog.ok('cleaned up!')
export let run = async (configArg: IConfig): Promise<IConfig> => {
config = configArg
let resultConfig = await checkDocker()
.catch(err => { console.log(err) })
return config