
243 lines
7.2 KiB

import * as plugins from './plugins.js';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { Logger, ProcessError, handleError } from './utils.errorhandler.js';
export interface IProcessWrapperOptions {
command: string;
args?: string[];
cwd: string;
env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
name: string;
logBuffer?: number; // Number of log lines to keep in memory (default: 100)
export interface IProcessLog {
timestamp: Date;
type: 'stdout' | 'stderr' | 'system';
message: string;
export class ProcessWrapper extends EventEmitter {
private process: plugins.childProcess.ChildProcess | null = null;
private options: IProcessWrapperOptions;
private logs: IProcessLog[] = [];
private logBufferSize: number;
private startTime: Date | null = null;
private logger: Logger;
constructor(options: IProcessWrapperOptions) {
this.options = options;
this.logBufferSize = options.logBuffer || 100;
this.logger = new Logger(`ProcessWrapper:${options.name}`);
* Start the wrapped process
public start(): void {
this.addSystemLog('Starting process...');
try {
this.logger.debug(`Starting process: ${this.options.command}`);
if (this.options.args && this.options.args.length > 0) {
this.process = plugins.childProcess.spawn(this.options.command, this.options.args, {
cwd: this.options.cwd,
env: this.options.env || process.env,
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'], // We need to pipe stdout and stderr
} else {
// Use shell mode to allow a full command string
this.process = plugins.childProcess.spawn(this.options.command, {
cwd: this.options.cwd,
env: this.options.env || process.env,
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'], // We need to pipe stdout and stderr
shell: true,
this.startTime = new Date();
// Handle process exit
this.process.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
const exitMessage = `Process exited with code ${code}, signal ${signal}`;
this.emit('exit', code, signal);
// Handle errors
this.process.on('error', (error) => {
const processError = new ProcessError(
{ command: this.options.command, pid: this.process?.pid }
this.addSystemLog(`Process error: ${processError.toString()}`);
this.emit('error', processError);
// Capture stdout
if (this.process.stdout) {
this.process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
const lines = data.toString().split('\n');
for (const line of lines) {
if (line.trim()) {
this.addLog('stdout', line);
// Capture stderr
if (this.process.stderr) {
this.process.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
const lines = data.toString().split('\n');
for (const line of lines) {
if (line.trim()) {
this.addLog('stderr', line);
this.addSystemLog(`Process started with PID ${this.process.pid}`);
this.logger.info(`Process started with PID ${this.process.pid}`);
this.emit('start', this.process.pid);
} catch (error: Error | unknown) {
const processError = error instanceof ProcessError
? error
: new ProcessError(
error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
{ command: this.options.command }
this.addSystemLog(`Failed to start process: ${processError.toString()}`);
this.emit('error', processError);
throw processError;
* Stop the wrapped process
public stop(): void {
if (!this.process) {
this.logger.debug('Stop called but no process is running');
this.addSystemLog('No process running');
this.logger.info('Stopping process...');
this.addSystemLog('Stopping process...');
// First try SIGTERM for graceful shutdown
if (this.process.pid) {
try {
this.logger.debug(`Sending SIGTERM to process ${this.process.pid}`);
process.kill(this.process.pid, 'SIGTERM');
// Give it 5 seconds to shut down gracefully
setTimeout((): void => {
if (this.process && this.process.pid) {
this.logger.warn(`Process ${this.process.pid} did not exit gracefully, force killing...`);
this.addSystemLog('Process did not exit gracefully, force killing...');
try {
process.kill(this.process.pid, 'SIGKILL');
} catch (error: Error | unknown) {
// Process might have exited between checks
this.logger.debug(`Failed to send SIGKILL, process probably already exited: ${
error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)
}, 5000);
} catch (error: Error | unknown) {
const processError = new ProcessError(
error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
{ pid: this.process.pid }
this.addSystemLog(`Error stopping process: ${processError.toString()}`);
* Get the process ID if running
public getPid(): number | null {
return this.process?.pid || null;
* Get the current logs
public getLogs(limit: number = this.logBufferSize): IProcessLog[] {
// Return the most recent logs up to the limit
return this.logs.slice(-limit);
* Get uptime in milliseconds
public getUptime(): number {
if (!this.startTime) return 0;
return Date.now() - this.startTime.getTime();
* Check if the process is currently running
public isRunning(): boolean {
return this.process !== null && typeof this.process.exitCode !== 'number';
* Add a log entry from stdout or stderr
private addLog(type: 'stdout' | 'stderr', message: string): void {
const log: IProcessLog = {
timestamp: new Date(),
// Trim logs if they exceed buffer size
if (this.logs.length > this.logBufferSize) {
this.logs = this.logs.slice(-this.logBufferSize);
// Emit log event for potential handlers
this.emit('log', log);
* Add a system log entry (not from the process itself)
private addSystemLog(message: string): void {
const log: IProcessLog = {
timestamp: new Date(),
type: 'system',
// Trim logs if they exceed buffer size
if (this.logs.length > this.logBufferSize) {
this.logs = this.logs.slice(-this.logBufferSize);
// Emit log event for potential handlers
this.emit('log', log);