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import { relative, basename, extname, resolve, dirname, join } from 'path'
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'
import { EOL, tmpdir, homedir } from 'os'
import sourceMapSupport = require('source-map-support')
import mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
import crypto = require('crypto')
import yn = require('yn')
import arrify = require('arrify')
import bufferFrom = require('buffer-from')
import { BaseError } from 'make-error'
import * as util from 'util'
import * as _ts from 'typescript'
* @internal
export const INSPECT_CUSTOM = util.inspect.custom || 'inspect'
* Debugging `ts-node`.
const shouldDebug = yn(process.env.TS_NODE_DEBUG)
const debug = shouldDebug ? console.log.bind(console, 'ts-node') : () => undefined
const debugFn = shouldDebug ?
<T, U> (key: string, fn: (arg: T) => U) => {
return (x: T) => {
debug(key, x)
return fn(x)
} :
<T, U> (_: string, fn: (arg: T) => U) => fn
* Common TypeScript interfaces between versions.
export interface TSCommon {
version: typeof _ts.version
sys: typeof _ts.sys
ScriptSnapshot: typeof _ts.ScriptSnapshot
displayPartsToString: typeof _ts.displayPartsToString
createLanguageService: typeof _ts.createLanguageService
getDefaultLibFilePath: typeof _ts.getDefaultLibFilePath
getPreEmitDiagnostics: typeof _ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics
flattenDiagnosticMessageText: typeof _ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText
transpileModule: typeof _ts.transpileModule
ModuleKind: typeof _ts.ModuleKind
ScriptTarget: typeof _ts.ScriptTarget
findConfigFile: typeof _ts.findConfigFile
readConfigFile: typeof _ts.readConfigFile
parseJsonConfigFileContent: typeof _ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent
formatDiagnostics: typeof _ts.formatDiagnostics
formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext: typeof _ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext
* Export the current version.
export const VERSION = require('../package.json').version
* Registration options.
export interface Options {
pretty?: boolean | null
typeCheck?: boolean | null
transpileOnly?: boolean | null
files?: boolean | null
cache?: boolean | null
cacheDirectory?: string
compiler?: string
ignore?: string | string[]
project?: string
skipIgnore?: boolean | null
skipProject?: boolean | null
compilerOptions?: object
ignoreDiagnostics?: number | string | Array<number | string>
readFile?: (path: string) => string | undefined
fileExists?: (path: string) => boolean
transformers?: _ts.CustomTransformers
* Track the project information.
interface MemoryCache {
contents: { [path: string]: string | undefined }
versions: { [path: string]: number | undefined }
outputs: { [path: string]: string }
* Information retrieved from type info check.
export interface TypeInfo {
name: string
comment: string
* Default register options.
export const DEFAULTS: Options = {
files: yn(process.env['TS_NODE_FILES']),
cache: yn(process.env['TS_NODE_CACHE'], { default: true }),
pretty: yn(process.env['TS_NODE_PRETTY']),
cacheDirectory: process.env['TS_NODE_CACHE_DIRECTORY'],
compiler: process.env['TS_NODE_COMPILER'],
compilerOptions: parse(process.env['TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS']),
ignore: split(process.env['TS_NODE_IGNORE']),
project: process.env['TS_NODE_PROJECT'],
skipIgnore: yn(process.env['TS_NODE_SKIP_IGNORE']),
skipProject: yn(process.env['TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT']),
ignoreDiagnostics: split(process.env['TS_NODE_IGNORE_DIAGNOSTICS']),
typeCheck: yn(process.env['TS_NODE_TYPE_CHECK']),
transpileOnly: yn(process.env['TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY'])
* Default TypeScript compiler options required by `ts-node`.
sourceMap: true,
inlineSourceMap: false,
inlineSources: true,
declaration: false,
noEmit: false,
outDir: '$$ts-node$$'
* Split a string array of values.
export function split (value: string | undefined) {
return typeof value === 'string' ? value.split(/ *, */g) : undefined
* Parse a string as JSON.
export function parse (value: string | undefined): object | undefined {
return typeof value === 'string' ? JSON.parse(value) : undefined
* Replace backslashes with forward slashes.
export function normalizeSlashes (value: string): string {
return value.replace(/\\/g, '/')
* TypeScript diagnostics error.
export class TSError extends BaseError {
name = 'TSError'
constructor (public diagnosticText: string, public diagnosticCodes: number[]) {
super(` Unable to compile TypeScript:\n${diagnosticText}`)
* @internal
return this.diagnosticText
* Return type for registering `ts-node`.
export interface Register {
cwd: string
extensions: string[]
cachedir: string
ts: TSCommon
compile (code: string, fileName: string, lineOffset?: number): string
getTypeInfo (code: string, fileName: string, position: number): TypeInfo
* Return a default temp directory based on home directory of user.
function getTmpDir (): string {
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(homedir(), 'utf8').digest('hex')
return join(tmpdir(), `ts-node-${hash}`)
* Register TypeScript compiler.
export function register (opts: Options = {}): Register {
const options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULTS, opts)
const cacheDirectory = options.cacheDirectory || getTmpDir()
const originalJsHandler = require.extensions['.js']
const ignoreDiagnostics = arrify(options.ignoreDiagnostics).concat([
6059, // "'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files."
18002, // "The 'files' list in config file is empty."
18003 // "No inputs were found in config file."
const memoryCache: MemoryCache = {
contents: Object.create(null),
versions: Object.create(null),
outputs: Object.create(null)
const ignore = options.skipIgnore ? [] : arrify(
options.ignore || '/node_modules/'
).map(str => new RegExp(str))
// Install source map support and read from memory cache.
environment: 'node',
retrieveFile (path: string) {
return memoryCache.outputs[path]
// Require the TypeScript compiler and configuration.
const cwd = process.cwd()
const { compilerOptions, project, skipProject } = options
const compiler = options.compiler || 'typescript'
const typeCheck = options.typeCheck === true || options.transpileOnly !== true
const ts: typeof _ts = require(compiler)
const transformers = options.transformers || undefined
const readFile = options.readFile || ts.sys.readFile
const fileExists = options.fileExists || ts.sys.fileExists
const config = readConfig(cwd, ts, fileExists, readFile, compilerOptions, project, skipProject)
const configDiagnosticList = filterDiagnostics(config.errors, ignoreDiagnostics)
const extensions = ['.ts', '.tsx']
const fileNames = options.files ? config.fileNames : []
const cachedir = join(
resolve(cwd, cacheDirectory),
version: ts.version,
options: config.options,
const diagnosticHost: _ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost = {
getNewLine: () => EOL,
getCurrentDirectory: () => cwd,
getCanonicalFileName: (path) => path
const formatDiagnostics = options.pretty
? ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext
: ts.formatDiagnostics
function createTSError (diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<_ts.Diagnostic>) {
const diagnosticText = formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, diagnosticHost)
const diagnosticCodes = diagnostics.map(x => x.code)
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes)
// Render the configuration errors and exit the script.
if (configDiagnosticList.length) throw createTSError(configDiagnosticList)
// Enable `allowJs` when flag is set.
if (config.options.allowJs) {
// Initialize files from TypeScript into project.
for (const path of fileNames) memoryCache.versions[path] = 1
* Get the extension for a transpiled file.
const getExtension = config.options.jsx === ts.JsxEmit.Preserve ?
((path: string) => /\.[tj]sx$/.test(path) ? '.jsx' : '.js') :
((_: string) => '.js')
* Create the basic required function using transpile mode.
let getOutput = function (code: string, fileName: string, lineOffset = 0): SourceOutput {
const result = ts.transpileModule(code, {
compilerOptions: config.options,
reportDiagnostics: true
const diagnosticList = result.diagnostics ?
filterDiagnostics(result.diagnostics, ignoreDiagnostics) :
if (diagnosticList.length) throw createTSError(diagnosticList)
return [result.outputText, result.sourceMapText as string]
let getTypeInfo = function (_code: string, _fileName: string, _position: number): TypeInfo {
throw new TypeError(`Type information is unavailable without "--type-check"`)
// Use full language services when the fast option is disabled.
if (typeCheck) {
// Set the file contents into cache.
const updateMemoryCache = function (code: string, fileName: string) {
if (memoryCache.contents[fileName] !== code) {
memoryCache.contents[fileName] = code
memoryCache.versions[fileName] = (memoryCache.versions[fileName] || 0) + 1
// Create the compiler host for type checking.
const serviceHost = {
getScriptFileNames: () => Object.keys(memoryCache.versions),
getScriptVersion: (fileName: string) => {
const version = memoryCache.versions[fileName]
// We need to return `undefined` and not a string here because TypeScript will use
// `getScriptVersion` and compare against their own version - which can be `undefined`.
// If we don't return `undefined` it results in `undefined === "undefined"` and run
// `createProgram` again (which is very slow). Using a `string` assertion here to avoid
// TypeScript errors from the function signature (expects `(x: string) => string`).
return version === undefined ? undefined as any as string : String(version)
getScriptSnapshot (fileName: string) {
// Read contents into TypeScript memory cache.
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(memoryCache.contents, fileName)) {
memoryCache.contents[fileName] = readFile(fileName)
const contents = memoryCache.contents[fileName]
if (contents === undefined) return
return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(contents)
fileExists: debugFn('fileExists', fileExists),
readFile: debugFn('readFile', readFile),
readDirectory: debugFn('readDirectory', ts.sys.readDirectory),
getDirectories: debugFn('getDirectories', ts.sys.getDirectories),
directoryExists: debugFn('directoryExists', ts.sys.directoryExists),
getNewLine: () => EOL,
getCurrentDirectory: () => cwd,
getCompilationSettings: () => config.options,
getDefaultLibFileName: () => ts.getDefaultLibFilePath(config.options),
getCustomTransformers: () => transformers
const service = ts.createLanguageService(serviceHost)
getOutput = function (code: string, fileName: string, lineOffset: number = 0) {
// Must set memory cache before attempting to read file.
updateMemoryCache(code, fileName)
const output = service.getEmitOutput(fileName)
// Get the relevant diagnostics - this is 3x faster than `getPreEmitDiagnostics`.
const diagnostics = service.getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics()
const diagnosticList = filterDiagnostics(diagnostics, ignoreDiagnostics)
if (diagnosticList.length) throw createTSError(diagnosticList)
if (output.emitSkipped) {
throw new TypeError(`${relative(cwd, fileName)}: Emit skipped`)
// Throw an error when requiring `.d.ts` files.
if (output.outputFiles.length === 0) {
return ['', ''];
return [output.outputFiles[1].text, output.outputFiles[0].text]
getTypeInfo = function (code: string, fileName: string, position: number) {
updateMemoryCache(code, fileName)
const info = service.getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName, position)
const name = ts.displayPartsToString(info ? info.displayParts : [])
const comment = ts.displayPartsToString(info ? info.documentation : [])
return { name, comment }
const compile = readThrough(cachedir, options.cache === true, memoryCache, getOutput, getExtension)
const register: Register = { cwd, compile, getTypeInfo, extensions, cachedir, ts }
// Register the extensions.
extensions.forEach(extension => {
registerExtension(extension, ignore, register, originalJsHandler)
return register
* Check if the filename should be ignored.
function shouldIgnore (filename: string, ignore: RegExp[]) {
const relname = normalizeSlashes(filename)
return ignore.some(x => x.test(relname))
* Register the extension for node.
function registerExtension (
ext: string,
ignore: RegExp[],
register: Register,
originalHandler: (m: NodeModule, filename: string) => any
) {
const old = require.extensions[ext] || originalHandler
require.extensions[ext] = function (m: any, filename) {
if (shouldIgnore(filename, ignore)) {
return old(m, filename)
const _compile = m._compile
m._compile = function (code: string, fileName: string) {
debug('module._compile', fileName)
return _compile.call(this, register.compile(code, fileName), fileName)
return old(m, filename)
* Do post-processing on config options to support `ts-node`.
function fixConfig (ts: TSCommon, config: _ts.ParsedCommandLine) {
// Delete options that *should not* be passed through.
delete config.options.out
delete config.options.outFile
delete config.options.declarationDir
delete config.options.declarationMap
delete config.options.emitDeclarationOnly
// Target ES5 output by default (instead of ES3).
if (config.options.target === undefined) {
config.options.target = ts.ScriptTarget.ES5
// Target CommonJS modules by default (instead of magically switching to ES6 when the target is ES6).
if (config.options.module === undefined) {
config.options.module = ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS
return config
* Load TypeScript configuration.
function readConfig (
cwd: string,
ts: TSCommon,
fileExists: (path: string) => boolean,
readFile: (path: string) => string | undefined,
compilerOptions?: object,
project?: string | null,
noProject?: boolean | null
): _ts.ParsedCommandLine {
let config = { compilerOptions: {} }
let basePath = normalizeSlashes(cwd)
let configFileName: string | undefined = undefined
// Read project configuration when available.
if (!noProject) {
configFileName = project
? normalizeSlashes(resolve(cwd, project))
: ts.findConfigFile(normalizeSlashes(cwd), fileExists)
if (configFileName) {
const result = ts.readConfigFile(configFileName, readFile)
// Return diagnostics.
if (result.error) {
return { errors: [result.error], fileNames: [], options: {} }
config = result.config
basePath = normalizeSlashes(dirname(configFileName))
// Override default configuration options `ts-node` requires.
config.compilerOptions = Object.assign({}, config.compilerOptions, compilerOptions, DEFAULT_COMPILER_OPTIONS)
return fixConfig(ts, ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(config, ts.sys, basePath, undefined, configFileName))
* Internal source output.
type SourceOutput = [string, string]
* Wrap the function with caching.
function readThrough (
cachedir: string,
shouldCache: boolean,
memoryCache: MemoryCache,
compile: (code: string, fileName: string, lineOffset?: number) => SourceOutput,
getExtension: (fileName: string) => string
) {
if (shouldCache === false) {
return function (code: string, fileName: string, lineOffset?: number) {
debug('readThrough', fileName)
const [value, sourceMap] = compile(code, fileName, lineOffset)
const output = updateOutput(value, fileName, sourceMap, getExtension)
memoryCache.outputs[fileName] = output
return output
// Make sure the cache directory exists before continuing.
return function (code: string, fileName: string, lineOffset?: number) {
debug('readThrough', fileName)
const cachePath = join(cachedir, getCacheName(code, fileName))
const extension = getExtension(fileName)
const outputPath = `${cachePath}${extension}`
try {
const output = readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf8')
if (isValidCacheContent(output)) {
memoryCache.outputs[fileName] = output
return output
} catch (err) {/* Ignore. */}
const [value, sourceMap] = compile(code, fileName, lineOffset)
const output = updateOutput(value, fileName, sourceMap, getExtension)
memoryCache.outputs[fileName] = output
writeFileSync(outputPath, output)
return output
* Update the output remapping the source map.
function updateOutput (outputText: string, fileName: string, sourceMap: string, getExtension: (fileName: string) => string) {
const base64Map = bufferFrom(updateSourceMap(sourceMap, fileName), 'utf8').toString('base64')
const sourceMapContent = `data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,${base64Map}`
const sourceMapLength = `${basename(fileName)}.map`.length + (getExtension(fileName).length - extname(fileName).length)
return outputText.slice(0, -sourceMapLength) + sourceMapContent
* Update the source map contents for improved output.
function updateSourceMap (sourceMapText: string, fileName: string) {
const sourceMap = JSON.parse(sourceMapText)
sourceMap.file = fileName
sourceMap.sources = [fileName]
delete sourceMap.sourceRoot
return JSON.stringify(sourceMap)
* Get the file name for the cache entry.
function getCacheName (sourceCode: string, fileName: string) {
return crypto.createHash('sha256')
.update(extname(fileName), 'utf8')
.update('\x00', 'utf8')
.update(sourceCode, 'utf8')
* Ensure the given cached content is valid by sniffing for a base64 encoded '}'
* at the end of the content, which should exist if there is a valid sourceMap present.
function isValidCacheContent (contents: string) {
return /(?:9|0=|Q==)$/.test(contents.slice(-3))
* Create a hash of the current configuration.
function getCompilerDigest (obj: object) {
return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(JSON.stringify(obj), 'utf8').digest('hex')
* Filter diagnostics.
function filterDiagnostics (diagnostics: _ts.Diagnostic[], ignore: number[]) {
return diagnostics.filter(x => ignore.indexOf(x.code) === -1)