import * as plugins from './tstest.plugins'; import * as paths from './tstest.paths'; import * as logPrefixes from './tstest.logprefixes'; import { coloredString as cs } from '@pushrocks/consolecolor'; import { TestDirectory } from './tstest.classes.testdirectory'; import { TapCombinator } from './tstest.classes.tap.combinator'; import { TapParser } from './tstest.classes.tap.parser'; export class TsTest { public testDir: TestDirectory; public smartshellInstance = new plugins.smartshell.Smartshell({ executor: 'bash', pathDirectories: [paths.binDirectory], sourceFilePaths: [], }); public smartbrowserInstance = new plugins.smartbrowser.SmartBrowser(); public tsbundleInstance = new plugins.tsbundle.TsBundle(); constructor(cwdArg: string, relativePathToTestDirectory: string) { this.testDir = new TestDirectory(cwdArg, relativePathToTestDirectory); } async run() { const fileNamesToRun: string[] = await this.testDir.getTestFilePathArray(); console.log(cs(plugins.figures.hamburger.repeat(80), 'cyan')); console.log(''); console.log(`${logPrefixes.TsTestPrefix} FOUND ${fileNamesToRun.length} TESTFILE(S):`); for (const fileName of fileNamesToRun) { console.log(`${logPrefixes.TsTestPrefix} ${cs(fileName, 'orange')}`); } console.log('-'.repeat(48)); console.log(''); // force new line const tapCombinator = new TapCombinator(); // lets create the TapCombinator for (const fileNameArg of fileNamesToRun) { let tapParser: TapParser; switch (true) { case fileNameArg.endsWith('.browser.ts'): tapParser = await this.runInChrome(fileNameArg); break; default: tapParser = await this.runInNode(fileNameArg); break; } tapCombinator.addTapParser(tapParser); console.log(cs(`^`.repeat(16), 'cyan')); console.log(''); // force new line } tapCombinator.evaluate(); } public async runInNode(fileNameArg: string): Promise { console.log(`${cs('=> ', 'blue')} Running ${cs(fileNameArg, 'orange')} in node.js runtime.`); console.log(`${cs(`= `.repeat(32), 'cyan')}`); const tapParser = new TapParser(fileNameArg); // tsrun options let tsrunOptions = ''; if (process.argv.includes('--web')) { tsrunOptions += ' --web'; } const execResultStreaming = await this.smartshellInstance.execStreamingSilent( `tsrun ${fileNameArg}${tsrunOptions}` ); await tapParser.handleTapProcess(execResultStreaming.childProcess); return tapParser; } public async runInChrome(fileNameArg: string): Promise { console.log(`${cs('=> ', 'blue')} Running ${cs(fileNameArg, 'orange')} in chromium runtime.`); console.log(`${cs(`= `.repeat(32), 'cyan')}`); // lets get all our paths sorted const tsbundleCacheDirPath = plugins.path.join(paths.cwd, './.nogit/tstest_cache'); const bundleFileName = fileNameArg.replace('/', '__') + '.js'; const bundleFilePath = plugins.path.join(tsbundleCacheDirPath, bundleFileName); // lets bundle the test await plugins.smartfile.fs.ensureDir(tsbundleCacheDirPath); await this.tsbundleInstance.buildTest(fileNameArg, bundleFilePath, 'parcel'); // lets create a server const server = new plugins.smartexpress.Server({ cors: true, port: 3007, }); server.addRoute( '/test', new plugins.smartexpress.Handler('GET', async (req, res) => { res.type('.html'); res.write(` `); res.end(); }) ); server.addRoute('*', new plugins.smartexpress.HandlerStatic(tsbundleCacheDirPath)); await server.start(); // lets do the browser bit await this.smartbrowserInstance.start(); const evaluation = await this.smartbrowserInstance.evaluateOnPage( `http://localhost:3007/test?bundleName=${bundleFileName}`, async () => { const convertToText = (obj) => { // create an array that will later be joined into a string. const stringArray = []; if (typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.toString === 'function') { stringArray.push(obj.toString()); } else if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj.join === undefined) { stringArray.push('{'); for (const prop of Object.keys(obj)) { stringArray.push(prop, ': ', convertToText(obj[prop]), ','); } stringArray.push('}'); // is array } else if (typeof obj === 'object' && !(obj.join === undefined)) { stringArray.push('['); for (const prop of Object.keys(obj)) { stringArray.push(convertToText(obj[prop]), ','); } stringArray.push(']'); // is function } else if (typeof obj === 'function') { stringArray.push(obj.toString()); // all other values can be done with JSON.stringify } else { stringArray.push(JSON.stringify(obj)); } return stringArray.join(''); }; let logStore = ''; // tslint:disable-next-line: max-classes-per-file const log = console.log.bind(console); console.log = (...args) => { args = => { return typeof argument !== 'string' ? convertToText(argument) : argument; }); logStore += `${args}\n`; log(...args); }; const error = console.error; console.error = (...args) => { args = => { return typeof argument !== 'string' ? convertToText(argument) : argument; }); logStore += `${args}\n`; error(...args); }; const bundleName = new URLSearchParams('bundleName'); console.log(`::TSTEST IN CHROMIUM:: Relevant Script name is: ${bundleName}`); const bundleResponse = await fetch(`/${bundleName}`); console.log( `::TSTEST IN CHROMIUM:: Got ${bundleName} with STATUS ${bundleResponse.status}` ); const bundle = await bundleResponse.text(); console.log(`::TSTEST IN CHROMIUM:: Executing ${bundleName}`); try { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-eval eval(bundle); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } if (globalThis.tapbundleDeferred && globalThis.tapbundleDeferred.promise) { await globalThis.tapbundleDeferred.promise; } else { console.log('Error: Could not find tapbundle Deferred'); } return logStore; } ); await this.smartbrowserInstance.stop(); await server.stop(); console.log( `${cs('=> ', 'blue')} Stopped ${cs(fileNameArg, 'orange')} chromium instance and server.` ); console.log(`${cs('=> ', 'blue')} See the result captured from the chromium execution:`); // lets create the tap parser const tapParser = new TapParser(fileNameArg); tapParser.handleTapLog(evaluation); return tapParser; } public async runInDeno() {} }