import { ChildProcess } from "child_process"; import { coloredString as cs } from '@pushrocks/consolecolor'; // ============ // combines different tap test files to an overall result // ============ import * as plugins from "./tstest.plugins"; import { TapTestResult } from "./tstest.tap.testresult"; export class TapParser { resultStore: TapTestResult[] = []; expectedTestsRegex = /([0-9]*)\.\.([0-9]*)/; expectedTests: number; testStatusRegex = /(ok|not\sok)\s([0-9]+)\s-\s/; activeTapTestResult: TapTestResult; private _getNewTapTestResult () { this.activeTapTestResult = new TapTestResult( this.resultStore.length + 1 ); } private _processLog(logChunk: Buffer | string) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(logChunk)) { logChunk = logChunk.toString(); } const logLineArray = logChunk.split("\n"); if (logLineArray[logLineArray.length - 1] === "") { logLineArray.pop(); } // lets parse the log information for (const logLine of logLineArray) { let logLineIsTapProtocol = false; if (!this.expectedTests && this.expectedTestsRegex.test(logLine)) { logLineIsTapProtocol = true; const regexResult = this.expectedTestsRegex.exec(logLine); this.expectedTests = parseInt(regexResult[2]); console.log(`:::TAP::: Expecting ${this.expectedTests} tests!`); // initiating first TapResult this._getNewTapTestResult(); } else if (this.testStatusRegex.test(logLine)) { logLineIsTapProtocol = true; const regexResult = this.testStatusRegex.exec(logLine); const testId = parseInt(regexResult[2]); const testOk = (() => { if (regexResult[1] === "ok") { return true; } return false; })(); // test for protocol error if(testId !== { console.log(`:::TAP PROTOCOL ERROR::: Something is strange! Test Ids are not equal!`) } this.activeTapTestResult.setTestResult(testOk); if(testOk) { console.log( cs( `:::TAP::: Success: Test ${testId} is ok!`, 'green', 'black' )); } else { console.log( cs( `:::TAP::: Error: Test ${testId} is NOT ok!`, 'green', 'black' )); } } if (!logLineIsTapProtocol) { if (this.activeTapTestResult) { this.activeTapTestResult.addLogLine(logLine); } console.log(logLine); } if(this.activeTapTestResult && this.activeTapTestResult.testSettled) { this.resultStore.push(this.activeTapTestResult); this._getNewTapTestResult(); } } } async handleTapProcess(childProcessArg: ChildProcess) { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); childProcessArg.stdout.on("data", data => { this._processLog(data); }); childProcessArg.stderr.on("data", data => { this._processLog(data); }); childProcessArg.on("exit", () => { done.resolve(); }); await done.promise; } }