/// var through = require("through2"); var path = require("path"); var beautylog = require("beautylog"); module.exports = function (functionsToExecuteArg:any|any[],executionModeArg:string = 'forEach') { //important vars var gulpFunction = { executionMode: executionModeArg, //can be forEach or atEnd functionsToExecute: functionsToExecuteArg }; var runFunctionNames = function () { if (typeof gulpFunction.functionsToExecute === "function" ) { gulpFunction.functionsToExecute(); } else if (Array.isArray(gulpFunction.functionsToExecute)) { for (var anyFunction in gulpFunction.functionsToExecute) { gulpFunction.functionsToExecute[anyFunction](); } } else { beautylog.error('gulp-callfunction: something is strange with the given arguments'); } }; var forEach = function (file, enc, cb) { if (gulpFunction.executionMode === 'forEach') { runFunctionNames(); } //tell gulp that we are complete return cb(null, file); }; var atEnd = function(cb) { if (gulpFunction.executionMode === "atEnd") { runFunctionNames(); } cb(); }; return through.obj(forEach,atEnd); };