import * as smartpromise from '@pushrocks/smartpromise'; import * as through2 from 'through2'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; export type TExecutionMode = 'forEach' | 'forFirst' | 'atEnd'; export interface IPromiseFunction { (file?, enc?): PromiseLike; } let defaultExport = ( functionsToExecuteArg: IPromiseFunction | IPromiseFunction[], executionModeArg: TExecutionMode = 'forEach' ): Transform => { let promiseArray = []; let runFunction = function(functionArg, file, enc) { let returnValue = functionArg(file, enc); if (typeof returnValue !== 'undefined' && typeof returnValue.then !== 'undefined') { promiseArray.push(returnValue); } }; let checkAndRunFunction = function(file, enc) { if (typeof functionsToExecuteArg === 'function') { runFunction(functionsToExecuteArg, file, enc); } else if (Array.isArray(functionsToExecuteArg)) { for (let anyFunction in functionsToExecuteArg) { runFunction(functionsToExecuteArg[anyFunction], file, enc); } } else { throw new Error('gulp-callfunction: something is strange with the given arguments'); } return Promise.all(promiseArray); }; let hasExecutedOnce = false; let forEach = function(file, enc, cb) { // the forEach function is called for every chunk switch (executionModeArg) { case 'forEach': checkAndRunFunction(file, enc).then(function() { cb(null, file); }); break; case 'forFirst': if (hasExecutedOnce) { checkAndRunFunction(file, enc).then(function() { cb(null, file); }); } else { cb(null, file); } hasExecutedOnce = true; break; case 'atEnd': cb(); break; default: break; } }; let atEnd = function(cb) { if (executionModeArg === 'atEnd') { checkAndRunFunction(null, null).then(function() { cb(); }); } else { cb(); } }; return through2.obj(forEach, atEnd); }; export let forEach = (funcArg: IPromiseFunction) => { return defaultExport(funcArg, 'forEach'); }; export let forFirst = (funcArg: IPromiseFunction) => { return defaultExport(funcArg, 'forFirst'); }; export let atEnd = (funcArg: IPromiseFunction) => { return defaultExport(funcArg, 'atEnd'); }; export default defaultExport;