import * as plugins from './lik.plugins'; import { FastMap } from './lik.fastmap'; export interface IObjectmapForEachFunction { (itemArg: T): void; } export interface IObjectmapFindFunction { (itemArg: T): boolean; } /** * allows keeping track of objects */ export class ObjectMap { private fastMap = new FastMap(); // events public eventSubject = new plugins.smartrx.rxjs.Subject(); /** * returns a new instance */ constructor() { // nothing here } /** * adds an object mapped to a string * the string must be unique */ addMappedUnique(uniqueKeyArg: string, objectArg: T) { this.fastMap.addToMap(uniqueKeyArg, objectArg); } /** * fastest way to get an object from the map * @param uniqueKey */ public getMappedUnique(uniqueKeyArg: string) { return this.fastMap.getByKey(uniqueKeyArg); } /** * remove key * @param functionArg */ public removeMappedUnique(uniqueKey: string) { const object = this.getMappedUnique(uniqueKey); } /** * add object to Objectmap * returns false if the object is already in the map * returns true if the object was added successfully */ public add(objectArg: T): string { // lets search for an existing unique key for (const keyArg of this.fastMap.getKeys()) { const object = this.fastMap.getByKey(keyArg); if (object === objectArg) { return keyArg; } } // otherwise lets create it const uniqueKey = plugins.smartunique.shortId(); this.addMappedUnique(uniqueKey, objectArg); return uniqueKey; } /** * like .add but adds an whole array of objects */ public addArray(objectArrayArg: T[]) { for (const item of objectArrayArg) { this.add(item); } } /** * check if object is in Objectmap */ public checkForObject(objectArg: T): boolean { return !!this.getKeyForObject(objectArg); } /** * get key for object * @param findFunction */ public getKeyForObject(objectArg: T) { let foundKey: string = null; for (const keyArg of this.fastMap.getKeys()) { if (!foundKey && this.fastMap.getByKey(keyArg) === objectArg) { foundKey = keyArg; } else { continue; } } return foundKey; } /** * find object */ public find(findFunction: IObjectmapFindFunction): T { for (const keyArg of this.fastMap.getKeys()) { if (findFunction(this.fastMap.getByKey(keyArg))) { return this.getMappedUnique(keyArg); } } } /** * finds a specific element and then removes it */ public findOneAndRemove(findFunction: IObjectmapFindFunction): T { const foundElement = this.find(findFunction); if (foundElement) { this.remove(foundElement); } return foundElement; } /** * run function for each item in Objectmap */ public async forEach(functionArg: IObjectmapForEachFunction) { for (const keyArg of this.fastMap.getKeys()) { await functionArg(this.fastMap.getByKey(keyArg)); } } /** * gets an object in the Observablemap and removes it, so it can't be retrieved again */ public getOneAndRemove(): T { const keys = this.fastMap.getKeys(); if (keys.length === 0) { return null; } else { const keyToUse = keys[0]; const removedItem = this.fastMap.removeFromMap(keyToUse);'remove'); return removedItem; } } /** * returns a cloned array of all the objects currently in the Objectmap */ public getArray(): T[] { const returnArray: any[] = []; for (const keyArg of this.fastMap.getKeys()) { returnArray.push(this.fastMap.getByKey(keyArg)); } return returnArray; } /** * check if Objectmap ist empty */ public isEmpty(): boolean { return this.fastMap.getKeys().length === 0; } /** * remove object from Objectmap */ public remove(objectArg: T): T { if (this.checkForObject(objectArg)) { const keyArg = this.getKeyForObject(objectArg); const removedObject = this.fastMap.removeFromMap(keyArg);'remove'); return removedObject; } return null; } /** * wipe Objectmap */ public wipe() { for (const keyArg of this.fastMap.getKeys()) { this.fastMap.removeFromMap(keyArg); } } /** * returns a new Objectmap that includes */ public concat(objectMapArg: ObjectMap) { const concattedObjectMap = new ObjectMap(); concattedObjectMap.fastMap.addAllFromOther(this.fastMap); concattedObjectMap.fastMap.addAllFromOther(objectMapArg.fastMap); return concattedObjectMap; } /** * tries to merge another Objectmap * Note: uniqueKeyCollisions will cause overwrite * @param objectMapArg */ public addAllFromOther(objectMapArg: ObjectMap) { this.fastMap.addAllFromOther(objectMapArg.fastMap); } }