// import test framework import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; // import the module import * as lik from '../ts/index.js'; // Objectmap interface ITestObject { propOne: string; propTwo: string; } let testObjectmap: lik.ObjectMap; let testObject1: ITestObject = { propOne: 'hello', propTwo: 'hello2', }; let testObject2: ITestObject = { propOne: 'hello', propTwo: 'hello2', }; tap.test('new lik.Objectmap() -> should correctly instantiate an Objectmap', async () => { testObjectmap = new lik.ObjectMap(); expect(testObjectmap).toBeInstanceOf(lik.ObjectMap); }); tap.test('lik.Objectmap.add() -> should correctly add an object to Objectmap', async () => { testObjectmap.add(testObject1); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression expect(testObjectmap.checkForObject(testObject1)).toBeTrue(); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression expect(testObjectmap.checkForObject(testObject2)).toBeFalse(); }); tap.test('lik.Objectmap.remove() -> should correctly remove an object to Objectmap', async () => { testObjectmap.add(testObject2); testObjectmap.remove(testObject1); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression expect(testObjectmap.checkForObject(testObject1)).toBeFalse(); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression expect(testObjectmap.checkForObject(testObject2)).toBeTrue(); }); tap.test('Objectmap.forEach -> should correctly run a function forEach map object', async () => { testObjectmap.forEach((itemArg) => { expect(itemArg).toHaveProperty('propOne'); }); }); tap.test('lik.Objectmap.find() -> should correctly find an object', async () => { let myObject = { propOne: 'helloThere', propTwo: 'helloAnyway' }; testObjectmap.add(myObject); let referenceObject = await testObjectmap.find(async (itemArg) => { return itemArg.propOne === 'helloThere'; }); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression expect(myObject === referenceObject).toBeTrue(); }); tap.test('lik.Objectmap.getArray() -> should return a cloned array', async () => { let myObject = { propOne: 'test1', propTwo: 'wow, how awesome' }; testObjectmap.add(myObject); let clonedArray = testObjectmap.getArray(); expect(clonedArray[clonedArray.length - 1]).toEqual(myObject); }); tap.test('should get one object and then remove it', async () => { let originalLength = testObjectmap.getArray().length; let oneObject = testObjectmap.getOneAndRemove(); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression expect(oneObject).not.toBeNull(); expect(testObjectmap.getArray().length).toEqual(originalLength - 1); expect(testObjectmap.getArray()).not.toContain(oneObject); }); await tap.start();