import { expect, tap } from ''; import * as npmextra from '../ts/index.js'; let myKeyValueStore: npmextra.KeyValueStore; tap.test('should create a keyValueStore', async () => { myKeyValueStore = new npmextra.KeyValueStore({ typeArg: 'custom', identityArg: 'test', customPath: 'test/somekv.json', }); expect(myKeyValueStore).toBeInstanceOf(npmextra.KeyValueStore); }); tap.test('should reset the keyValueStore', async () => { await myKeyValueStore.reset(); }); tap.test('expect result to be empty', async () => { let result = await myKeyValueStore.readAll(); expect(JSON.stringify(result)).toEqual('{}'); }); tap.test('expect to add an object to the kv Store', async () => { await myKeyValueStore.writeAll({ myKey: 'myValue', }); await expect(await myKeyValueStore.readKey('myKey')).toEqual('myValue'); }); tap.start();