import * as plugins from './qenv.plugins'; export interface IKeyValueObject { key: string; value: string; } /** * class Qenv * allows to make assertions about the environments while being more flexibel in how to meet them */ export class Qenv { public requiredEnvVars: string[] = []; public availableEnvVars: string[] = []; public missingEnvVars: string[] = []; public keyValueObjectArray: IKeyValueObject[] = []; public logger: plugins.smartlog.Smartlog; // filePaths public qenvFilePathAbsolute: string; public envFilePathAbsolute: string; constructor( qenvFileBasePathArg = process.cwd(), envFileBasePathArg, failOnMissing = true, loggerArg: plugins.smartlog.Smartlog = plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger ) { this.logger = loggerArg; // lets make sure paths are absolute this.qenvFilePathAbsolute = plugins.path.join( plugins.path.resolve(qenvFileBasePathArg), 'qenv.yml' ); this.envFilePathAbsolute = plugins.path.join( plugins.path.resolve(envFileBasePathArg), 'env.yml' ); this.getRequiredEnvVars(); this.getAvailableEnvVars(); this.missingEnvVars = this.getMissingEnvVars(); // handle missing variables if (this.missingEnvVars.length > 0) {'Required Env Vars are:'); console.log(this.requiredEnvVars); console.error('However some Env variables could not be resolved:'); console.log(this.missingEnvVars); if (failOnMissing) { console.error('Exiting!'); process.exit(1); } } } /** * only gets an environment variable if it is required within a read qenv.yml file * @param envVarName */ public getEnvVarRequired(envVarName): string { return process.env[envVarName]; } /** * tries to get any env var even if it is not required * @param requiredEnvVar */ public getEnvVarOnDemand(requiredEnvVar: string): string { // lets determine the actual env yml let envYml; try { envYml = plugins.smartfile.fs.toObjectSync(this.envFilePathAbsolute); } catch (err) { console.log("env file couldn't be found at " + this.envFilePathAbsolute); envYml = {}; } let envVar: string; let envFileVar: string; let dockerSecret: string; let dockerSecretJson: string; // env var check if (process.env[requiredEnvVar]) { this.availableEnvVars.push(requiredEnvVar); envVar = process.env[requiredEnvVar]; } // env file check if (envYml.hasOwnProperty(requiredEnvVar)) { envFileVar = envYml[requiredEnvVar]; this.availableEnvVars.push(requiredEnvVar); } // docker secret check if ( plugins.smartfile.fs.isDirectory('/run') && plugins.smartfile.fs.isDirectory('/run/secrets') && plugins.smartfile.fs.fileExists(`/run/secrets/${requiredEnvVar}`) ) { dockerSecret = plugins.smartfile.fs.toStringSync(`/run/secrets/${requiredEnvVar}`); } // docker secret.json if ( plugins.smartfile.fs.isDirectory('/run') && plugins.smartfile.fs.isDirectory('/run/secrets') && plugins.smartfile.fs.fileExists(`/run/secrets/secret.json`) ) { const secretObject = plugins.smartfile.fs.toObjectSync('/run/secrets/secret.json'); dockerSecret = secretObject[requiredEnvVar]; } // warn if there is more than one candidate let candidatesCounter = 0; [envVar, envFileVar, dockerSecret, dockerSecretJson].forEach(candidate => { if (candidate) { candidatesCounter++; } }); if (candidatesCounter > 1) { this.logger.log( 'warn', `found multiple candidates for ${requiredEnvVar} Choosing in the order of envVar, envFileVar, dockerSecret, dockerSecretJson` ); } let chosenVar: string = null; if (envVar) { chosenVar = envVar; } else if (envFileVar) { chosenVar = envFileVar; } else if (dockerSecret) { chosenVar = dockerSecret; } else if (dockerSecretJson) { chosenVar = dockerSecretJson; } return chosenVar; } /** * gets the required env values */ private getRequiredEnvVars = () => { let qenvFile: any = {}; if (plugins.smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync(this.qenvFilePathAbsolute)) { qenvFile = plugins.smartfile.fs.toObjectSync(this.qenvFilePathAbsolute); } if (!qenvFile || !qenvFile.required || !Array.isArray(qenvFile.required)) { this.logger.log('warn', `env File does not contain a 'required' Array!`); } else { for (const keyArg of Object.keys(qenvFile.required)) { this.requiredEnvVars.push(qenvFile.required[keyArg]); } } }; /** * gets the available env vars */ private getAvailableEnvVars = () => { for (const requiredEnvVar of this.requiredEnvVars) { const chosenVar = this.getEnvVarOnDemand(requiredEnvVar); if (chosenVar) { this.availableEnvVars.push(requiredEnvVar); process.env[requiredEnvVar] = chosenVar; this.keyValueObjectArray.push({ key: requiredEnvVar, value: chosenVar }); } } }; /** * gets missing env vars */ private getMissingEnvVars = (): string[] => { const missingEnvVars: string[] = []; for (const envVar of this.requiredEnvVars) { if (!this.availableEnvVars.includes(envVar)) { missingEnvVars.push(envVar); } } return missingEnvVars; }; }