import { expect, tap } from 'tapbundle' import * as cflare from 'cflare' import * as qenv from 'qenv' let testQenv = new qenv.Qenv(process.cwd(), process.cwd() + '/.nogit') // import the module to test import * as smartacme from '../dist/index' let myCflareAccount = new cflare.CflareAccount() myCflareAccount.auth({ email: process.env.CF_EMAIL, key: process.env.CF_KEY }) let testSmartAcme: smartacme.SmartAcme let testAcmeAccount: smartacme.AcmeAccount let testAcmeCert: smartacme.AcmeCert let testChallenge: smartacme.ISmartAcmeChallengeChosen tap.test('smartacme -> should create a valid instance', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(10000) testSmartAcme = new smartacme.SmartAcme(false) await testSmartAcme.init().then(async () => { expect(testSmartAcme) }) }) tap.test('smartacme -> should have created keyPair', async () => { expect(testSmartAcme.acmeUrl)'string') }) tap.test('smartacme -> should register a new account', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(10000) await testSmartAcme.createAcmeAccount().then(async x => { testAcmeAccount = x }) }) tap.test('smartacme -> should create a AcmeCert', async () => { await testAcmeAccount.createAcmeCert('').then(async x => { testAcmeCert = x expect(testAcmeAccount) }) }) tap.test('smartacme -> should get a challenge for a AcmeCert', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(10000) await testAcmeCert.requestChallenge().then(async (challengeChosen) => { console.log(challengeChosen) testChallenge = challengeChosen }) }) tap.test('smartacme -> should set the challenge', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(20000) await myCflareAccount.createRecord( testChallenge.domainNamePrefixed, 'TXT', testChallenge.dnsKeyHash ) }) tap.test('smartacme -> should check for a DNS record', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(20000) await testAcmeCert.checkDns().then(x => { console.log(x) }) }) tap.test('smartacme -> should accept the challenge', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(10000) await testAcmeCert.acceptChallenge() }) tap.test('smartacme -> should poll for validation of a challenge', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(10000) await testAcmeCert.requestValidation().then(async x => { console.log(x) }) }) tap.test('smartacme -> should remove the challenge', async (tools) => { tools.timeout(20000) await myCflareAccount.removeRecord( testChallenge.domainNamePrefixed, 'TXT' ) }) tap.start()