/// import * as q from 'q'; import { AcmeAccount } from './smartacme.classes.acmeaccount'; /** * a rsa keypair needed for account creation and subsequent requests */ export interface IRsaKeypair { publicKey: string; privateKey: string; } export { AcmeAccount } from './smartacme.classes.acmeaccount'; export { AcmeCert, ISmartAcmeChallenge, ISmartAcmeChallengeAccepted } from './smartacme.classes.acmecert'; /** * class SmartAcme exports methods for maintaining SSL Certificates */ export declare class SmartAcme { acmeUrl: string; productionBool: boolean; keyPair: IRsaKeypair; rawacmeClient: any; /** * the constructor for class SmartAcme */ constructor(productionArg?: boolean); /** * init the smartacme instance */ init(): q.Promise<{}>; /** * creates an account if not currently present in module * @executes ASYNC */ createAcmeAccount(): q.Promise; }