import 'typings-test' import * as should from 'should' // import the module to test import * as smartacme from '../dist/index' describe('smartacme', function () { let testAcme: smartacme.SmartAcme let testChallenge: smartacme.ISmartAcmeChallengeAccepted it('should create a valid instance', function () { this.timeout(10000) testAcme = new smartacme.SmartAcme() should(testAcme).be.instanceOf(smartacme.SmartAcme) }) it('should have created keyPair', function () { should(testAcme.acmeUrl).be.of.type('string') }) it('should register a new account', function (done) { this.timeout(10000) testAcme.createAccount().then(x => { done() }).catch(err => { console.log(err) done(err) }) }) it('should agree to ToS', function(done) { this.timeout(10000) testAcme.agreeTos().then(() => { done() }) }) it('should request a challenge for a domain', function(done) { this.timeout(10000) testAcme.requestChallenge('').then((challengeAccepted) => { console.log(challengeAccepted) testChallenge = challengeAccepted done() }) }) it('should poll for validation of a challenge',function(done) { this.timeout(10000) testAcme.validate(testChallenge).then(x => { done() }) }) })