import * as q from 'smartq' import * as plugins from './smartacme.plugins' import * as helpers from './smartacme.helpers' import { SmartAcme, IRsaKeypair } from './smartacme.classes.smartacme' import { AcmeAccount } from './smartacme.classes.acmeaccount' /** * types of challenges supported by letsencrypt and this module */ export type TChallengeType = 'dns-01' | 'http-01' /** * values that a challenge's status can have */ export type TChallengeStatus = 'pending' export interface ISmartAcmeChallenge { uri: string status: TChallengeStatus type: TChallengeType token: string keyAuthorization: string } export interface ISmartAcmeChallengeChosen extends ISmartAcmeChallenge { dnsKeyHash: string domainName: string domainNamePrefixed: string } export interface IAcmeCsrConstructorOptions { bit: number, key: string, domain: string, country: string, country_short: string, locality: string, organization: string, organization_short: string, password: string, unstructured: string, subject_alt_names: string[] } // Dnsly instance (we really just need one) let myDnsly = new plugins.dnsly.Dnsly('google') /** * class AcmeCert represents a cert for domain */ export class AcmeCert { domainName: string attributes fullchain: string parentAcmeAccount: AcmeAccount csr validFrom: Date validTo: Date keypair: IRsaKeypair keyPairFinal: IRsaKeypair chosenChallenge: ISmartAcmeChallengeChosen dnsKeyHash: string constructor(optionsArg: IAcmeCsrConstructorOptions, parentAcmeAccount: AcmeAccount) { this.domainName = optionsArg.domain this.parentAcmeAccount = parentAcmeAccount this.keypair = helpers.createKeypair(optionsArg.bit) let privateKeyForged = plugins.nodeForge.pki.privateKeyFromPem(this.keypair.privateKey) let publicKeyForged = plugins.nodeForge.pki.publicKeyToPem( plugins.nodeForge.pki.setRsaPublicKey(privateKeyForged.n, privateKeyForged.e) ) this.keyPairFinal = { privateKey: privateKeyForged, publicKey: publicKeyForged } // set dates this.validFrom = new Date() this.validTo = new Date() this.validTo.setDate(this.validFrom.getDate() + 90) // set attributes this.attributes = [ { name: 'commonName', value: optionsArg.domain }, { name: 'countryName', value: }, { shortName: 'ST', value: optionsArg.country_short }, { name: 'localityName', value: optionsArg.locality }, { name: 'organizationName', value: optionsArg.organization }, { shortName: 'OU', value: optionsArg.organization_short }, { name: 'challengePassword', value: optionsArg.password }, { name: 'unstructuredName', value: optionsArg.unstructured } ] // set up csr this.csr = plugins.nodeForge.pki.createCertificationRequest() this.csr.setSubject(this.attributes) this.csr.setAttributes(this.attributes) } /** * requests a challenge for a domain * @param domainNameArg - the domain name to request a challenge for * @param challengeType - the challenge type to request */ requestChallenge(challengeTypeArg: TChallengeType = 'dns-01') { let done = q.defer() this.parentAcmeAccount.parentSmartAcme.rawacmeClient.newAuthz( { identifier: { type: 'dns', value: this.domainName } }, this.parentAcmeAccount.parentSmartAcme.keyPair, (err, res) => { if (err) { console.error('smartacme: something went wrong:') console.log(err) done.reject(err) } let preChosenChallenge = res.body.challenges.filter(x => { return x.type === challengeTypeArg })[ 0 ] /** * the key is needed to accept the challenge */ let authKey: string = plugins.rawacme.keyAuthz( preChosenChallenge.token, this.parentAcmeAccount.parentSmartAcme.keyPair.publicKey ) /** * needed in case selected challenge is of type dns-01 */ this.dnsKeyHash = plugins.rawacme.dnsKeyAuthzHash(authKey) // needed if dns challenge is chosen /** * the return challenge */ this.chosenChallenge = { uri: preChosenChallenge.uri, type: preChosenChallenge.type, token: preChosenChallenge.token, keyAuthorization: authKey, status: preChosenChallenge.status, dnsKeyHash: this.dnsKeyHash, domainName: this.domainName, domainNamePrefixed: helpers.prefixName(this.domainName) } done.resolve(this.chosenChallenge) } ) return done.promise } /** * checks if DNS records are set, will go through a max of 30 cycles */ async checkDns(cycleArg = 1) { let result = await myDnsly.checkUntilAvailable(helpers.prefixName(this.domainName), 'TXT', this.dnsKeyHash) if (result) { console.log('DNS is set!') return } else { throw new Error('DNS not set!') } } /** * validates a challenge, only call after you have set the challenge at the expected location */ async requestValidation() { let makeRequest = () => { let done = q.defer() this.parentAcmeAccount.parentSmartAcme.rawacmeClient.poll(this.chosenChallenge.uri, async (err, res) => { if (err) { console.log(err) return } console.log(`Validation response:`) console.log(JSON.stringify(res.body)) if (res.body.status === 'pending' || res.body.status === 'invalid') { await plugins.smartdelay.delayFor(3000) makeRequest().then((x: any) => { done.resolve(x) }) } else { console.log('perfect!') done.resolve(res.body) } }) return done.promise } await makeRequest() } /** * requests a certificate */ requestCert() { let done = q.defer() let payload = { csr: plugins.rawacme.base64.encode( plugins.rawacme.toDer( plugins.nodeForge.pki.certificationRequestToPem( this.csr ) ) ), notBefore: this.validFrom.toISOString(), notAfter: this.validTo.toISOString() } this.parentAcmeAccount.parentSmartAcme.rawacmeClient.newCert( payload, helpers.createKeypair(), (err, res) => { if (err) { console.log(err) done.reject(err) } console.log(res.body) done.resolve(res.body) }) return done.promise } /** * getCertificate - takes care of cooldown, validation polling and certificate retrieval */ getCertificate() { } /** * accept a challenge - for private use only */ acceptChallenge() { let done = q.defer() this.chosenChallenge.uri, { resource: 'challenge', keyAuthorization: this.chosenChallenge.keyAuthorization }, this.parentAcmeAccount.parentSmartAcme.keyPair, (err, res) => { if (err) { console.log(err) done.reject(err) } done.resolve(res.body) } ) return done.promise } }