import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; import * as paths from './paths.js'; import { MultiModal } from './abstract.classes.multimodal.js'; export class OpenAiProvider extends MultiModal { private openAiToken: string; public openAiApiClient: plugins.openai.default; constructor(openaiToken: string) { super(); this.openAiToken = openaiToken; // Ensure the token is stored } async start() { this.openAiApiClient = new plugins.openai.default({ apiKey: this.openAiToken, dangerouslyAllowBrowser: true, }); } async stop() {} chatStream(input: ReadableStream): ReadableStream { const decoder = new TextDecoder(); let messageHistory: { role: 'assistant' | 'user'; content: string }[] = []; return new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { const reader = input.getReader(); try { let done, value; while ((({ done, value } = await, !done)) { const userMessage = decoder.decode(value, { stream: true }); messageHistory.push({ role: 'user', content: userMessage }); const aiResponse = await'', userMessage, messageHistory); messageHistory.push({ role: 'assistant', content: aiResponse.message }); // Directly enqueue the string response instead of encoding it first controller.enqueue(aiResponse.message); } controller.close(); } catch (err) { controller.error(err); } }, }); } // Implementing the synchronous chat interaction public async chat( systemMessage: string, userMessage: string, messageHistory: { role: 'assistant' | 'user'; content: string; }[] ) { const result = await{ model: 'gpt-4-turbo-preview', messages: [ { role: 'system', content: systemMessage }, ...messageHistory, { role: 'user', content: userMessage }, ], }); return { message: result.choices[0].message, }; } public async audio(messageArg: string) { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); const result = await{ model: 'tts-1-hd', input: messageArg, voice: 'nova', response_format: 'mp3', speed: 1, }); const stream = result.body.pipe(plugins.smartfile.fsStream.createWriteStream(plugins.path.join(paths.nogitDir, 'output.mp3'))); stream.on('finish', () => { done.resolve(); }); return done.promise; } }