import type { SmartArchive } from './classes.smartarchive.js'; import * as plugins from './plugins.js' // This class wraps fflate's gunzip in a Node.js Transform stream export class CompressGunzipTransform extends { constructor() { super(); } _transform(chunk: Buffer, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: { plugins.fflate.gunzip(chunk, (err, decompressed) => { if (err) { callback(err); } else { this.push(decompressed); callback(); } }); } } // DecompressGunzipTransform class that extends the Node.js Transform stream to // create a stream that decompresses GZip-compressed data using fflate's gunzip function export class DecompressGunzipTransform extends { constructor() { super(); } _transform(chunk: Buffer, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: { // Use fflate's gunzip function to decompress the chunk plugins.fflate.gunzip(chunk, (err, decompressed) => { if (err) { // If an error occurs during decompression, pass the error to the callback callback(err); } else { // If decompression is successful, push the decompressed data into the stream this.push(decompressed); callback(); } }); } } export class GzipTools { constructor() { } public getCompressionStream() { return new CompressGunzipTransform(); } public getDecompressionStream() { return new DecompressGunzipTransform(); } }