#!/usr/bin/env node /// var RemotezipPlugins; (function (RemotezipPlugins) { RemotezipPlugins.init = function () { var plugins = { beautylog: require("beautylog"), gulp: require("gulp"), g: { unzip: require("gulp-unzip"), remoteSrc: require("gulp-remote-src") }, path: require("path") }; return plugins; }; })(RemotezipPlugins || (RemotezipPlugins = {})); /// /// var plugins = RemotezipPlugins.init(); var remotezip = { get: function (options) { if (!plugins.path.isAbsolute(options.toPath)) { plugins.beautylog.error("Please supply remotezip with an absolute path"); return; } ; plugins.gulp.task("remotezip", function () { plugins.beautylog.log('Now trying to download and extract...'); var stream = plugins.g.remoteSrc(["master.zip"], { base: "https://github.com/UmbrellaZone/legaldocs/archive/" }) .pipe(plugins.g.unzip()) .pipe(plugins.gulp.dest(options.toPath)); return stream; }); plugins.gulp.task("default", ["remotezip"], function () { plugins.beautylog.success("Download complete and archive extracted"); if (typeof options.cb == "function") { options.cb(); } ; }); plugins.gulp.start.apply(plugins.gulp, ['default']); } }; module.exports = remotezip;