import { expect, expectAsync, tap } from ''; import { Qenv } from ''; import * as smartbucket from '../ts/index.js'; const testQenv = new Qenv('./', './.nogit/'); let testSmartbucket: smartbucket.SmartBucket; let myBucket: smartbucket.Bucket; let baseDirectory: smartbucket.Directory; tap.test('should create a valid smartbucket', async () => { testSmartbucket = new smartbucket.SmartBucket({ accessKey: await testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemandStrict('S3_ACCESSKEY'), accessSecret: await testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemandStrict('S3_ACCESSSECRET'), endpoint: await testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemandStrict('S3_ENDPOINT'), }); expect(testSmartbucket).toBeInstanceOf(smartbucket.SmartBucket); myBucket = await testSmartbucket.getBucketByNameStrict(await testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemandStrict('S3_BUCKET'),); expect(myBucket).toBeInstanceOf(smartbucket.Bucket); expect('test-pushrocks-smartbucket'); }); tap.test('should clean all contents', async () => { await myBucket.cleanAllContents(); expect(await myBucket.fastExists({ path: 'hithere/socool.txt' })).toBeFalse(); expect(await myBucket.fastExists({ path: 'trashtest/trashme.txt' })).toBeFalse(); }); tap.skip.test('should create testbucket', async () => { // await testSmartbucket.createBucket('testzone2'); }); tap.skip.test('should remove testbucket', async () => { // await testSmartbucket.removeBucket('testzone2'); }); // Fast operations tap.test('should store data in bucket fast', async () => { await myBucket.fastPut({ path: 'hithere/socool.txt', contents: 'hi there!', }); }); tap.test('should get data in bucket', async () => { const fileString = await myBucket.fastGet({ path: 'hithere/socool.txt', }); const fileStringStream = await myBucket.fastGetStream( { path: 'hithere/socool.txt', }, 'nodestream' ); console.log(fileString); }); tap.test('should delete data in bucket', async () => { await myBucket.fastRemove({ path: 'hithere/socool.txt', }); }); // fs operations tap.test('prepare for directory style tests', async () => { await myBucket.fastPut({ path: 'dir1/file1.txt', contents: 'dir1/file1.txt content', }); await myBucket.fastPut({ path: 'dir1/file2.txt', contents: 'dir1/file2.txt content', }); await myBucket.fastPut({ path: 'dir2/file1.txt', contents: 'dir2/file1.txt content', }); await myBucket.fastPut({ path: 'dir3/file1.txt', contents: 'dir3/file1.txt content', }); await myBucket.fastPut({ path: 'dir3/dir4/file1.txt', contents: 'dir3/dir4/file1.txt content', }); await myBucket.fastPut({ path: '/file1.txt', contents: 'file1 content', }); }); tap.test('should get base directory', async () => { baseDirectory = await myBucket.getBaseDirectory(); const directories = await baseDirectory.listDirectories(); console.log('Found the following directories:'); console.log(directories); expect(directories.length).toEqual(3); const files = await baseDirectory.listFiles(); console.log('Found the following files:'); console.log(files); expect(files.length).toEqual(1); }); tap.test('should correctly build paths for sub directories', async () => { const dir4 = await baseDirectory.getSubDirectoryByName('dir3/dir4'); expect(dir4).toBeInstanceOf(smartbucket.Directory); const dir4BasePath = dir4?.getBasePath(); console.log(dir4BasePath); expect(dir4BasePath).toEqual('dir3/dir4/'); }); tap.test('clean up directory style tests', async () => { await myBucket.fastRemove({ path: 'dir1/file1.txt', }); await myBucket.fastRemove({ path: 'dir1/file2.txt', }); await myBucket.fastRemove({ path: 'dir2/file1.txt', }); await myBucket.fastRemove({ path: 'dir3/file1.txt' }); await myBucket.fastRemove({ path: 'dir3/dir4/file1.txt' }); await myBucket.fastRemove({ path: 'file1.txt' }); }); tap.start();