import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; import { File } from './classes.file.js'; export class MetaData { public static async hasMetaData(optionsArg: { file: File }) { // lets find the existing metadata file const existingFile = await optionsArg.file.parentDirectoryRef.getFile({ path: + '.metadata', }); return !!existingFile; } // static public static async createForFile(optionsArg: { file: File }) { const metaData = new MetaData(); metaData.fileRef = optionsArg.file; // lets find the existing metadata file metaData.metadataFile = await metaData.fileRef.parentDirectoryRef.getFileStrict({ path: + '.metadata', createWithContents: '{}', }); return metaData; } // instance /** * the file that contains the metadata */ metadataFile!: File; /** * the file that the metadata is for */ fileRef!: File; public async getFileType(optionsArg?: { useFileExtension?: boolean; useMagicBytes?: boolean; }): Promise { if ((optionsArg && optionsArg.useFileExtension) || !optionsArg) { const fileType = await plugins.smartmime.detectMimeType({ path:, }); return fileType; } if (optionsArg && optionsArg.useMagicBytes) { const fileType = await plugins.smartmime.detectMimeType({ buffer: await this.fileRef.getMagicBytes({ length: 100, }) }); return fileType; } throw new Error('optionsArg.useFileExtension and optionsArg.useMagicBytes cannot both be false'); } /** * gets the size of the fileRef */ public async getSizeInBytes(): Promise { const stat = await this.fileRef.parentDirectoryRef.bucketRef.fastStat({ path: this.fileRef.getBasePath(), }); return stat.ContentLength!; } private prefixCustomMetaData = 'custom_'; public async storeCustomMetaData(optionsArg: { key: string; value: T }) { const data = await this.metadataFile.getJsonData(); data[this.prefixCustomMetaData + optionsArg.key] = optionsArg.value; await this.metadataFile.writeJsonData(data); } public async getCustomMetaData(optionsArg: { key: string }): Promise { const data = await this.metadataFile.getJsonData(); return data[this.prefixCustomMetaData + optionsArg.key]; } public async deleteCustomMetaData(optionsArg: { key: string }) { const data = await this.metadataFile.getJsonData(); delete data[this.prefixCustomMetaData + optionsArg.key]; await this.metadataFile.writeJsonData(data); } /** * set a lock on the ref file * @param optionsArg */ public async setLock(optionsArg: { lock: string; expires: number }) { const data = await this.metadataFile.getJsonData(); data.lock = optionsArg.lock; data.lockExpires = optionsArg.expires; await this.metadataFile.writeJsonData(data); } /** * remove the lock on the ref file * @param optionsArg */ public async removeLock(optionsArg: { force: boolean }) { const data = await this.metadataFile.getJsonData(); delete data.lock; delete data.lockExpires; await this.metadataFile.writeJsonData(data); } public async checkLocked(): Promise { const data = await this.metadataFile.getJsonData(); return data.lock && data.lockExpires >; } public async getLockInfo(): Promise<{ lock: string; expires: number }> { const data = await this.metadataFile.getJsonData(); return { lock: data.lock, expires: data.lockExpires }; } }