import * as plugins from "./cert.plugins"; import * as paths from "./cert.paths"; import * as helpers from "./cert.classes.cert.helpers" export interface ICertConstructorOptions { cfEmail: string, cfKey: string, sslDir?: string, gitOriginRepo?: string, testMode?: boolean }; export class Cert { private _cfEmail: string; private _cfKey: string; private _sslDir: string; private _gitOriginRepo: string; private _testMode: boolean; domainCertRequestMap: plugins.lik.Stringmap = new plugins.lik.Stringmap(); certificatesPresent: Certificate[]; certificatesValid: Certificate[]; /** * Constructor for Cert object */ constructor(optionsArg: ICertConstructorOptions) { this._cfEmail = optionsArg.cfEmail; this._cfKey = optionsArg.cfKey; this._sslDir = optionsArg.sslDir; this._gitOriginRepo = optionsArg.gitOriginRepo; this._testMode = optionsArg.testMode; // write hook config let config = { cfEmail: this._cfEmail, cfKey: this._cfKey } plugins.smartfile.memory.toFsSync( JSON.stringify(config), plugins.path.join(__dirname, "assets/config.json") ); // setup sslDir if (!this._sslDir) this._sslDir = paths.defaultSslDir; // setup Git if (this._gitOriginRepo) { plugins.smartgit.init(this._sslDir); plugins.smartgit.remote.add(this._sslDir, "origin", this._gitOriginRepo); this.sslGitOriginPull(); } // setup leSh config; let leShConfigString; if (this._testMode) { leShConfigString = `CA=""\n`; } else { leShConfigString = " "; }; plugins.smartfile.memory.toFsSync( leShConfigString, paths.leShConfig ); plugins.shelljs.exec("chmod 700 " + paths.letsencryptSh); plugins.shelljs.exec("chmod 700 " + paths.certHook); plugins.shelljs.exec( `bash -c "${paths.letsencryptSh} -c --no-lock -f ${paths.leShConfig} -d notthere.notthere -t dns-01 -k ${paths.certHook} -o ${paths.certDir}"`, { silent: true }); }; /** * Pulls already requested certificates from git origin */ sslGitOriginPull = () => { if (this._gitOriginRepo) { plugins.smartgit.pull(this._sslDir, "origin", "master"); } }; /** * Pushes all new requested certificates to git origin */ sslGitOriginAddCommitPush = () => { if (this._gitOriginRepo) { plugins.smartgit.add.addAll(this._sslDir); plugins.smartgit.commit(this._sslDir, "added new SSL certificates and deleted obsolete ones."); plugins.smartgit.push(this._sslDir, "origin", "master"); } }; /** * gets a ssl cert for a given domain */ getDomainCert(domainNameArg: string, optionsArg: { force: boolean } = { force: false }) { let done = plugins.q.defer(); let domainStringData = new plugins.smartstring.Domain(domainNameArg); let sameZoneRequesting: boolean = this.domainCertRequestMap.checkMinimatch("*" + domainStringData.zoneName) // make sure no one else requires the same domain at the same time if (!this.domainCertRequestMap.checkString(domainNameArg)) { this.domainCertRequestMap.addString(domainNameArg); if (!helpers.checkDomainsStillValid(domainNameArg, this._sslDir) || optionsArg.force) { if (!sameZoneRequesting) { plugins.smartfile.fs.ensureDir(paths.certDir);`getting cert for ${domainNameArg}`); plugins.shelljs.exec( `bash -c "${paths.letsencryptSh} -c --no-lock -f ${paths.leShConfig} -d ${domainNameArg} -t dns-01 -k ${paths.certHook} -o ${paths.certDir}"`, { silent: true }, (codeArg, stdoutArg) => { if (codeArg == 0) { console.log(stdoutArg); let fetchedCertsArray: string[] = plugins.smartfile.fs.listFoldersSync(paths.certDir); if (fetchedCertsArray.indexOf(domainNameArg) != -1) { helpers.updateSslDirSync(this._sslDir, domainNameArg); plugins.smartfile.fs.removeSync(plugins.path.join(paths.certDir, domainNameArg)); }; done.resolve(); } else { plugins.beautylog.warn(`${domainNameArg} scheduled for retry. Waiting 1 minute!`); helpers.scheduleRetry(domainNameArg, this).then(done.resolve); } this.domainCertRequestMap.removeString(domainNameArg); } ); } else {`${domainNameArg} is waiting for domains names of same zone to finish`); this.domainCertRequestMap.removeString(domainNameArg); this.domainCertRequestMap.registerUntilTrue( () => { return !this.domainCertRequestMap.checkMinimatch("*" + domainStringData.zoneName); }, () => { this.getDomainCert(domainNameArg).then(done.resolve); } ); } } else {"certificate for " + domainNameArg + " is still valid! Not fetching new one!"); this.domainCertRequestMap.removeString(domainNameArg); done.resolve(); }; } else { plugins.beautylog.warn(`${domainNameArg} is already requesting`); }; return done.promise; }; cleanOldCertificates() { }; } export class Certificate { domainName: string; creationDate: Date; expiryDate: Date; constructor() { }; };