import { tap, expect } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartchok from '../ts/index'; import * as smartfile from '@pushrocks/smartfile'; import * as smartpromise from '@pushrocks/smartpromise'; import * as smartrx from '@pushrocks/smartrx'; import * as fs from 'fs'; // the module to test if (process.env.CI) { process.exit(0); } let testSmartchok: smartchok.Smartchok; let testAddObservable: smartrx.rxjs.Observable<[string, fs.Stats]>; let testSubscription: smartrx.rxjs.Subscription; tap.test('should create a new instance', async () => { testSmartchok = new smartchok.Smartchok([]); expect(testSmartchok); }); tap.test('should add some files to watch and start', async () => { testSmartchok.add(['./test/assets/**/*.txt']); await testSmartchok.start() testSmartchok.add(['./test/assets/**/*.md']); }); tap.test('should get an observable for a certain event', async () => { await testSmartchok.getObservableFor('add').then(async (observableArg) => { testAddObservable = observableArg; }); }); tap.test('should register an add operation', async () => { let testDeferred = smartpromise.defer(); testSubscription = testAddObservable.subscribe(pathArg => { const pathResult = pathArg[0]; console.log(pathResult); testDeferred.resolve(); }); smartfile.memory.toFs('HI', './test/assets/hi.txt'); await testDeferred.promise; }); tap.test('should stop the watch process', async () => { testSmartchok.stop(); }); tap.start();