/// var smartci = require("../dist/index.js"); var should = require("should"); process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER = "180.3"; process.env.TRAVIS_TAG = ""; process.env.CI = "true"; describe("smartci", function () { describe("check", function () { describe(".isCi", function () { it("should state if we are in a CI environment", function () { smartci.check.isCi().should.be.true(); process.env.CI = "false"; smartci.check.isCi().should.be.false(); }); }); describe(".isTaggedCommit", function () { it("should state if we are dealing with a tagged commit", function () { smartci.check.isTaggedCommit().should.be.false(); process.env.TRAVIS_TAG = "v0.3.1"; smartci.check.isTaggedCommit().should.be.true(); }); }); }); describe("get", function () { describe(".jobNumberString", function () { it("should get the correct job number", function () { smartci.get.jobNumberString().should.equal("180.3"); }); }); describe(".mainJobNumber", function () { it("should get the correct main job number", function () { smartci.get.mainJobNumber().should.equal(180); }); }); describe(".subJobNumber", function () { it("should get the correct sub job number", function () { smartci.get.subJobNumber().should.equal(3); }); }); }); }); //# sourceMappingURL=test.js.map