/// var smartcli = require("./index.js"); var bl = require("beautylog"); bl.log('now starting Test'); bl.log('starting with initial CLI commands and options'); var commandsString:string = 'You specified the following commands:'; var commands = smartcli.getCommands(); for (var key in commands) { commandsString = commandsString + ' ' + commands[key]; } bl.log(commandsString); var getCwdTest = function(){ console.log('The current directory is: ' + smartcli.getCwd().path); }; var checkCommandTest = function() { if (smartcli.checkCommand('jazz')) { bl.log('One of your commands is jazz'); } else { bl.log('None of your commands is jazz'); } }; var getOptionTest = function() { console.log('We now test for option --test') console.log(smartcli.getOption('test')); } var checkOptionTest = function() { }; var getAnswerTest = function() { smartcli.getAnswer('How do you feel?',function(answer){ console.log('The answer is: ' + answer); getChoiceTest(); }); }; var getChoiceTest = function() { smartcli.getChoice('What music do you like to hear?',['Jazz','Blues','Classical'],function(answer){ console.log('The answer is: ' + answer); }); }; //starting command tests getCwdTest(); checkCommandTest(); getOptionTest(); //starting first interaction test (the other tests are then started via callbacks) getAnswerTest();